Friday, December 10, 2004

It has begun.

I don't remember if it was my European History teacher last year, or a friend, but their ultimate argument to the statements that Gays are more loving than straights was to wait until the first divorces happened.

I would like to help to spread that knowledge, of the first divorces, to the rest of the world. For those of you that have not already read it:

It's not that I'm exactly anti-gay. It's that I'm pro-darwinism. Some of them insist that as much as 10% of every living thing is gay, born gay. If that's the case, that much of the population is basically born to die without spreading its genetic material. I suppose I'm asking for controversy, but I haven't ever thrown my views in the face of the world so that they might choke on them...


Blogger vermilion said...

Well I think that the reason for that would be that they have to go to such great lengths to get married in the first place, being as it isn't legally recognized in many places. That would make anyone think it over. The only ones that would seek out martial status would be the ones that are fully committed.

Whoevers running on that arguement needs to think of something else, because that's stereotyping even if it is a positive generalization. It's like saying all highschool students are reckless drivers. I know of an exception. There's a gay guy I know who isn't loving at all, it's more of a selfish thing for him.

Besides, I don't think you can prove love with statistics.

12/17/2004 01:10:00 PM

Blogger vermilion said...

It takes forever for comments to show up. Grr.

12/17/2004 01:32:00 PM

Blogger vermilion said...

It takes forever for comments to show up. Grr.

12/17/2004 01:43:00 PM

Blogger A_Shadow said...

And then they do it twice, it appears.

I don't know, it's not automatic like some places, but it seems more quality somehow...


I do agree that you can't prove love with statistics. You can't prove love with anything, it's not a concept anyone has ever understood. Tell that to people that won't plan on marriage because half of them end in divorce. The other half don't. It's not marriage's fault, it's the people's.

12/17/2004 03:44:00 PM


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