Tony Blaire and the Iraq Inquiry
What a sham! What am I missing in UK politics that makes this necessary or right? To have an inquiry into the justice of the Iraq war? Furthermore how they can get anything out of this beyond a frivilous lawsuit case of their own? 3 years ago I came up with the arguments of what made me go from following the Liberal media to thinking on my own and supporting the war. I was there with everyone else. It's a war for oil. It's his daddy's war, etc and so forth. Bullocks. The UN has had resolutions on the books since before the First Gulf War that justified that war and are easily used to justify this one as well. I did my homework on this one. This is the only set of arguments I've ever presented to decisively change someone's opinion. I encourage you to look into it yourself and ask yourself as I ask myself why this information isn't in the media, yet so easily accessible and would put this damned thing to rest!
Let's be clear: I don't like that we went to war, but I feel it was justified and the only thing we could have done. I think they needed a better after action plan and I think that they presented the wrong case to the UN, but I do think we had every reason to go to war:
I don’t like using blogs or Wikipedia normally, but I did find that it was prudent in this case as their comments (other than opinion) seemed well documented.
I have a variety of sources from blogs, to news to the website.
Just based off of the UN resolutions that they had on the books for 12+ years we could have entered Iraq in my opinion.
I don’t know why, but Bush and friends got that mangled when making their case, they should have stood by this argument as it was the strongest for staying in there.
On top of that, I have a couple of articles about Ricin in Iraq on the top. Ricin, as I recall, is a brother type compound to Anthrax.
Ricin found and confirmed by MSNBC:
Ricin tests on farm animals and others:
UN resolutions on Iraq prior to the 2000’s:
UNSCR 687 - April 3, 1991
UNSCR 678 - November 29, 1990
Editorial on UN Resolution 1441:
U.S. Policy Timeline from CSPAN:
Blog outlining 17 UN resolutions on Iraq with commentary:
Wiki article on the invasion, specifically linked to the causes of the war including quotes from Bush and Blair:
Supposed text of the UN resolution unanimously approved on or around November 8th, 2002. There is no resolution number that I saw:
November 13th, 2002 – Saddam agrees to allow weapons inspectors back in:
Can find more, but that’s what I’ve got for now.
Google search string was: UN resolutions Saddam
The important part in the above information is laying the groundwork for the reasons it is necessary. As I put it in my debates with people, I paraphrase the UN Resolutions as "If we so much as think that Saddam may have or try to obtain UMDs, he needs to prove that he doesn't have them or we will." Very simple. Saddam threw out the inspectors, the game he's played since Gulf War 1 and gotten away with because of the UN, because of their Food for Oil, money for oil and so forth. He thumbed his nose at us and we punched him for it, we bloodied him and then killed him for it. Our UN resolutions were our guide. If anything the Coalition in Iraq was the police force holding up the UNs own resolutions.
You want to prosecute someone? Where are the inquiries into Food for Oil and the billions that they gave him to run his government? Where's the prosecution of Kofi Annon on that one? Where's the investigation into why the French, the Germans and the Russians vetoed the war because they had Billions wrapped up in a government that we were about to overthrow. That's why this is an issue, not because Bush was wrong, but because he cost those governments billions of dollars!
Us going to war is preposterous, show me the benefit, show me where the influx of Iraqi oil is? The lowered gas prices? The bloated oil economy like Iran, Russia, the Saudis? We import more oil from Canada and Mexico than we even do from the Middle East.
I will need to have this explained vocally to understand it all. Its been years and I dont know what my opinion is anymore.
1/31/2010 11:31:00 AM
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