Saturday, December 18, 2004

Defenders of Truth

Today I had the unique opportunity to defend the truth of a matter with someone accross the pond in the United Kingdom. Through the wonders of the internet we made contact, he originally contacted my father for his part in hosting an internet talk show, which I run part of the tech end for and help to co host. Well the host of this BBC internet talk show has set out on a mission to conivince people that Star Trek is "rubbish" and a threat to the future of mankind as it promotes war, racism, capitalism, et al. It's quite amazing how wrong he is. I wish I had found out sooner, my European History teacher from last year would have torn him to shreads... Anyways, I managed to miss half of it due to work, but we listened to his mistakes and typical copouts, etc., that are made by those that refuse to admit that they are wrong. Things like ignoring the argument and changing the subject, all of the typical things. Well he chose the song "Very Supersticious" for one of his breaks and I called him on it. How it was fitting that he was supersticous of Star Trek, and that he was playing the song and used some of his own statements against him for it. Unfortunately I wasn't able to call in, which he has offered to pay for the call, but I did get the air time due to my e-mail to him and rendered him speechless. Quite litterally he called an associate of mine a "twit" for his arguments, which were very sound and thought out. It was just amazing to here him speechless for the first time in his show.

It's an amazing thing when even against those who pretend not to hear, not to listen, that when faced with something irrifutable they stumble and can't continue. It was a blast even though you'd have to listen to very abrasive comments to get to the few shining examples of truth. I can't say I was the only one, that would be wrong, but I am proud to say that I was among those there.


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