Friday, August 12, 2005

Alrighty then.

Well I was going to go all 20x6 with that one (you know, from Homestarrunner), but I laughed too hard and had to erase it. But here's the thing:

I am formally issuing a call to anyone who would like to chime in with thoughts. You can contact me via any method feasible (i.e. telepathy, homing pigeon, rifle fire, or even e-mail and actuall calling me or talking in person). I'm finally calling in a debate on the nature of love and your choice in the matter. It doesn't take a degree, or a nerd, or a jock, or a robot. It takes a living, breathing, opinionated human being. There needs be no experience, only an opinion. Essentially it's a yes or no question and why. That simple.

I personally hold that it is a choice. You all should be up to speed on that by this point (if not, you have two posts before this one to read). I think that it's obvious, and that's not even counting the fact that I think that you are personally responsible for all of your actions.

So some of you think it isn't. Is it just some sort of canned response for you? Or do you actually have reasons for this? That's what I'm looking for: the reason, if any, behind that idea.

That's it, it is as long or short as you want it. I think we'll both benefit more from more serious answers. Obviously there's more to talk about that way.

That's my new challenge to my friends. Note that it's a challenge, it's there for you to accept or decline at your conveniance. No push, no shove, only choice.


Okay. Now that I have thrown the gauntlet, here's the nifty cool nicknack of the day:

Alleged Photographs of Dragons

I say alleged because I can see the neatness of them, but I don't see them as being like conclusive proof of dragons (more on that in a bit). But it's really neat, none-the-less. Also, the article claims that they have seen "dragons" fall from the sky. Like, living, breathing lizards actually fell. Wierd. It'd be nice if I could find something on that...

And on the whole "need more proof" thingy. I was thinking about that earlier today. See, I wasn't always like that (k, just making sure you caught that, because I'll be the first to boast that I remain constant, true or not). When I was in 5th grade they told me that I should question more, I never did, and now I'm a skeptic. They used to tell me to talk more, because I rarely did, and now I won't shut up. So what's the next big change? Whitney told me I should conquer a township. So if the trend holds does that mean I will actually finish what my namesake started? If so I have to start going now, I have a lot of catching up to do. Oh yeah, and she told me to "make a little money". Lol.

We shall see.


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