Friday, April 08, 2005


This may be a longer post because I wanted to discuss some irony that I noted last night (yes, I'm technically in Friday, but I'm still posting about Wednesday night), and then about tonight/this morning and work and my printer...

So... With no further adieu:

One of the things that this group uses in it's symbolism are the seven "archetypes" as our host prefered to call them. He's very Christian (I thought he was Mormon, actually, but he's the Christian christian... If that makes any sense to you), so he probably prefered to stay away from any pagan references. But none-the-less they are labeled in direction, color, the archetype of person they represent, animal, and "energy" type (emotion). They all govern a fear and an aspiration. Anyways, it came to my attention that I was sitting to the East, the direction of the sun, love, yellow, I forget what the animal is... But what actually was the meaning behind it was not only the direction in which I was sitting, (in regard to the cardinal directions) but the direction I was FACING. I was facing West, the direction of the Magician, owl, intelligence, black... I was FACING away from the east, love, etc. and all that jazz. It was a very interesting thing to me because it was far too coincedental in my eyes. I don't really believe in coincedences (insert Brady's cliche joke here), I believe things happen for a purpose that there is someone setting certain things up to check if we're paying attention. I kinda think it has to do with God's sense of humor. I think he hopes that we'll notice it and find the myrth and irony as he would... Just my tangent on it.

So that's on that one.

I am now also the proud owner of a working printer. Which sadly may be replaced very soon. Instead of sleeping, which may have been advisable, I went out to my stores to taunt myself on what I want for "Christmas" (basically any time I want a gift, but very mainly gifts to myself/things I plan to buy). I found a fax machine/copier/scanner/printer that does all of the above in full color for what I would deem is the low price of $80 appx. Noting that it's Brother (a pun since that's the brand name of the two that I were comparing) was a stout $50 more expensive, and didn't have the hardware the way I wanted (I wanted the tray like a conventional copier so that I didn't have to risk small parcels of paper in a printer/fax like setup) I knew there had to be a catch: I have to buy the ink for the cheaper one. Which isn't so bad, but it's as much as the whole contraption itself. But I'm thinking it over anyways. I think it would prove invaluable, and I've long wanted a scanner in the hopes that it will help to preserve some perishables (or lose-ables). And I think I could live with only needing the black ink for now, much the same as this color printer, because I'd only really be printing for school and personal uses. Don't plan on doing the printing pictures thing, not yet anyways.

And tonight, to cut this short, I was beat to hell by our store. I busted my ass more than I've ever done, maybe not my best work, but very far and beyond what I normally (or have ever for that matter) done. Today was a good day, I think. Very fulfilling and inspiring me to get everyone else to do better too. A long shot I know, I'd also like to be appreciated. Neither I would bet good money on. Worth a shot? Hell yes. I think it very much is so. I am starting to get back to what I want to be. I'm liking this. I might even find it in me to do some things I haven't done for a while. That would be good. But lurking in the background is a sense of greater good. A question that I must answer by month's end. I'm not sure. Still calculating the odds. Not really of success, but of outcomes. What are all the possibilities and how likely. It's a loaded question that takes a bit more forethought than just rushing into it...

And on that reminder, I was taken home by that Allen guy. I think that we actually might pull through. He's a bit coarse, and I don't plan on changing him really. I've been there and done that, too. But I don't think we've actually butt heads on anything with each other since that confrontation. I'm actually glad. I was totally preparing for a worst case scenario. This definately wasn't highly anticipated, but very warmly welcomed.

And even though I'm more sore than I have been in a while...: I would deem this day very excellent. I hope yours are as I hope mine will be.


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