Tuesday, June 07, 2005


I just decided to let everyone that I'm now in my other world, relatively safe and very much making sounds.

I decided that while I was bored I would explore some linkage, very nice stuff indeed:

Farm Wars:

SW 3.5 ST

HL2 Dominos:

These were, of course, the ones that I didn't want to go through the trouble to download, yet were reasonably cool/funny or would make sense to at least one (if not both) of my readers. Note: There might actually be more than two, this is what we like to call humor. Carry on.

On another topic, I've succeeded in something of worth. At least in my opinion. I've opened a young Canadian's eyes to the fact that quite possibly not ALL Americans are worthless, ignorant wastes of flesh. It like totally made my day, y'know?

Man, it's amazing when people like that do stuff like that. I mean, there might be a goodly amount of ingorance/arrogance here, but it's just as bad for you to claim that WE ALL ARE. Sheesh. I love it when I'm attacked because most of the time you can point out the absurdities of the aggressor. Usually whatever they're accusing you of is something that they are perpetuating simply by making the statement... Kinda odd...

I'm done with this for now. Enjoy the videos, Geek out. C'mon, you know you want to.


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