Thursday, June 02, 2005

A perpetual study of mankind.

Right, so people still don't make any sense. Like, how they can be so trusting. I don't think trust is the right word actually, just that article put it in my mind. It's more like they throw discretion to the wind. Like one of these gals that decided to keep IMing me is already looking for a new boyfriend. Apparently she was dumped within the last week, or so, and she's like posted an add on her blog. It's kinda odd. Of course, not everyone should approach it the same, and online dating is up to you, but putting out an Ad like: "I'm single again and need a new boyfriend, so if you're interested e-mail me or IM me." Lol. That's like, how you'd advertise your car... Sheesh.

I guess the biggest thing is what the drive is for that. What is the "Why?". I never actually got around to cleaning up that essay, if I ever posted it at all. But it's become an insight of mine that "Why?" is one of the fundamental questions of everything. You can pretty much use it as your tool to disect the situation at hand. It's far too simplified to have anything but short answers most of the time. So what's the "Why?" Why would you do that to yourself? Don't copout and say that you're lonely unless that's the actual problem there. Lonelyness can be solved in a myriad of ways that don't involve putting up a poster within the week that you've been dumped.

I guess this all circulates around a friend of mine who is behaving in such a predictable manner. I already know the potential ends and their relative likelyhoods. And none of them look all that good.

I never realised it until I was told this online friend's lyrics, but they apply rather perfectly to this new set of situations. Sorry if you don't wish to read the long lyrics. But I suppose that's one of the things you'll have to deal with ocasionally. :-D


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