Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Deep throat?

Well of all things, someone has claimed to be Deep Throat.

Vanity Fair, of all news groups, has an article citing a former #2 FBI man as being Deep Throat by his own confession. Vanity Fair? I'm sorry, but I've never had much faith in the media, but now you're telling me that one of the most mysterious people in the last 50 years went and told Vanity Fair? Why not CNN, or MSNBC, or ANYWONE ELSE with some sense of credibility? I would believe it more if it were here on the local news, than Vanity Fair... What's more is that any other article that I've read about it have cited the article and not their own opinions or anything. They don't say "Hey, yeah, we got the same news." They're saying "Hey, you guys! Vanity Fair SAYS that they found Deep Throat!"


He actually might end up being Deep Throat, but in a time where you should be extremely wary of what you read or hear from the media, he could have at least picked someone we know. Yeah, that's not a huge failsafe with Newsweek's recent thing, but Deep Throat went and talked to... Vanity Fair. It's not even an American publication, for crying out loud.

Alright, well, those that actually have evidence of him are still reportedly saying that they won't tell until the source dies. So they know, supposedly. I think that gives enough that this Felt guy probably isn't the actual deal. But he's 90, so let's give it a few more years, and if you don't hear about again by then, Felt wasn't the guy.


I know have to eat those above words, apparently. Other major news sources have come in and confirmed the story. I didn't edit any of my comments, my opinion would only have been changed by this new information. And I got the new information. Apparently the Washington Post did come out and confirm it along with CNN. Which is enough for me. I'm off to finish reading their articles on it. It's still pretty interesting.


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