Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Alright already!

I always said that I would give into undeniable proof/evidence/overwhelming things. And I got my ass handed to me again today.

I am now a "permanent" resident of Layton again. No more Logan for a little while, however long it takes. No joke. I went back today, finally, after deciding that my purposed job was infinately more important than sitting around getting fat off my family. Just to find out that BOTH of my roommates bailed on me while I was gone.

One of the two I knew was going to leave eventually, but not while I was gone, darnit. And the other basically felt pressured into bailing out because he couldn't handle it by himself for a bit until the new guy(s) moved in. He was worried about being by himself and dealing with the whole possible theft thing. That had he been able to get ahold of me (which is crap since they've been given my number at least twice that I know of, my new number anyways) he would have either stayed on, or just asked to see if I wanted to room with him elsewhere.

But in any case, the appartment was completely devoid of everything (essentially) except for my things. Which was a great relief, because I thought the landlord might have moved it out or something for lack of communication. And the fact that they had gone had left me without ANY utilities, save maybe water, in which to have at my disposal. Which wouldn't have lasted long enough for me since I would have been 2 weeks out from a check.

So I bagged it. Everyone seems happy more or less. It seems to be what everyone (and I MEAN EVERYONE) has wanted since shortly after I moved...

It's not so bad, but it does dislocate some things in the house, being as we're trying to salvage my room back.

But now I'm AGAIN looking for a job, because there's no way to maintain it and I'm going to have to drop that as well. It's not so bad if it hadn't taken me about a month of solid looking to find it. But hopefully something else will crop up down here. Afterall, I've been rather "forced" into it, so there should at least be something that I can use as an alternate. Y'know, I should be an expert at finding a job, you'd think. I've only been more or less continuously looking for the last 2 years. Ok, more less than more... But it is getting frustrating...

Anyways. I have implemented a strategy for the next time that I move out there so that I shouldn't have to worry about such things in the future. But right now who knows when that will be. Probably not for a few months anyways.

But I'm going to not accept this so much as a defeat, it is more going to be a change in plans. A minor setback, or something.

I was fighting what I knew anyways. I seem to have that common flaw. If I have some form of Kryptonite, that's definately it. And I've always known that I am my own worst enemy (no self destructive things implied, just that a weakness in self-discipline/"inner will" inevetibly causes failure). But this is redicurous.

But tomorrow I'm hunting the elusive job again. And reclaiming my room, I hope. But at least I've unified two good things again. My desktop with a working cable connection. You have no idea the wonderful thing it is to have a connection that doesn't kick you for no reason, especially after having one for so long.

But it's way too freaking early. I've just been doing what I normally do when I'm stressed out.

And if you have yet to figure out what it is, ha.

I'll try to keep you updated, but for a length of some time to come, you won't have to hear me say that I'm in my "second home" or anything like that.

Then again, there was some good come out of it. I don't have to miss out on my RPGs...

Sorry, that's a relic of me trying to maintain a sense of humor about being "forced" into a course of action that I didn't really plan for...


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