Monday, July 04, 2005

Deep Impact

So Deep Impact was a wonderful success this morning (EDT). And because I'm feeling lazy, read the news if you didn't know what it was all about.

But I've actually been following this one since it launched and am as happy as anyone (but maybe the technicians that but their work into it) about it's success.

But I just thought I would share some comments that I found about it. I actually rarely laugh out loud to things I read (contrary to my IM messages, I reserve "lol" and "roflmao" for various degrees of grinning, heh), and I laughed at these. Some of you might even appreciate them too.
2005-07-04 02:21:54 AM

NASA scientists steered a probe about the size of a washing machine directly into the path of a comet about half the size of Manhattan

Not sure if washing machines and Manhattans are legitimate units of measurement in the metric system."

2005-07-04 02:19:28 AM

The guys who worked on the team for the "fly-by" ship wore blue shirts. The guys who worked on the team for the now-vaporized impactor wore... red shirts. And who says that NASA people don't have a sense of humor??"

2005-07-04 02:39:39 AM

that one is for the dinosaurs BIATCH!"


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