Monday, June 05, 2006

Get down with the sickness.

Nothing gets the paranoia flowing like a good zombie movie.

Such a simple setting, the one that you're always familiar with.

Such a horrific thing, not knowing who you can trust, the enemy is your family, the dead need die twice.

Every simple sound becomes a foe. If you are not constantly on the alert, you won't have a fighting chance.

Your family? The enemy. Friends? The same.

What do you rely on when all that you have come to know is the enemy? What does your faith, your will, your strenght matter when all around you are trying to not only kill you, but turn you and eat your flesh.

Where is your wisdom now? How do you cope with such attrocities? What of honor and hope?

Where is there hope when the dead try to kill you? Everyone is trying to kill you.

What then?

Really good stuff, actually. I needed that. I think I'm done though. It was nice to get through it again. But not a movie I like to watch with my back to an open window, an empty room.

An interesting thing, when you realize that if it happened now, there's nothing you could do. No preperations, no chance to survive.

It makes you wonder how absolute your absolutes are when nothing matters anymore. Where does all of your experience and all of that which you value lead you in total disaster, in total chaos?

It's nice. I miss movies that, simply watching them, builds an addrenaline rush.

I needed this one.

Saturday is chalking up to be a good day, methinks. Mehopes anyways.

It's the day of my long awaited tournament and it looks like I will be given a great many wonderful things that day.

For sweet!

Anyways, I should attempt to do something more usefull than my family's tech support. TTYL.


Blogger vermilion said...

Shouldn't it be a little easy to distinguish by the persons physical stance, posture etc? Loss of speech characteristics etc?

How about playing dead? There is little animalistic impulse to hunt when something shows no signs of life.

Nobility is not donned for absolute armor. Many believe that if they follow the rules of life, of dogma or whatever highest focus they have they will be spared all harm by virtue of karma of moral concepts.

See, disease does not ask you who you are. Disease doesn't check to see if your will is iron.

this world wasn't meant to be a trading ground for moral depth. Moral depth does not equate to absolute properity or protection. a commonly attributed symbiosis

This world is supposed to be an arena for our obtaining ethics when they do not have immediate or later benefits.

If the mormons say something I like it is endure to the end. Even if the end is not cordial.

lol. I don't get that from scary movies. Which I have seen by the way.

and we don't own absolutes, not yet absolutes are outside of this sphere.

6/05/2006 09:32:00 PM


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