Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Legalese! And I wanted to be a lawyer?

Holy carp, batman. No, it's a carp, and it's holy!

But seriously. I just got done reading one of THE most boring things in the entire world. And it may be my next binding contract. Stupid adulthood and it's binding contracts...

So I might have escaped the dark clutches of Carl's Jr. But I won't say too much for sure yet. I still need to talk to a few people before I make any assurances. But it would require me to move to a far away land for a few months and would be so worth it by the numbers.

I'm just concerned as to the taint that it might add to my life. Not that I'll be exposed to something other than Utah, I've desperately needed that, but what it might do to the streamlined shape. Right now: it would make it streamlined. Flexible hours (basically they are rigid with the possibility of saying "No, I don't think I'll get to that today"), super pay compared to what I'm getting now, and a whole bunch of new experiences. I'm so jazzed about it. But as with most things these days, I'm taking a step back, looking really hard and saying "Wait a minute." Actually it's more along the lines of "This is so easy it must be a trap!"

But if it's everything that it looks like, I'll be able to pay my way through college for working a third of the year, if necessary. I'm so stoked about the numbers. I hope this is what I've been needing...

And I did it, I called a girl today. No, it wasn't my mom. No, I don't have a sister. She wasn't related to me, even! And I called to hang out, not for homework. Just to try something new for a change. We both had the day off, and she didn't know I was calling. Heh. But it would be fun if she were home...

Lol. Stupid life. Always wearing a fancier cloak for the same old crap. I'm freakin' 19 and still feel like a little kid, a little highschooler half the time. No offense to you in highschool. I just had all of these thoughts, hopes and expectations... Now their within reach. I can reach out and touch them. But they're cloaked in the insecurities and childishness of... Childhood.


Oh, and I didn't have much sleep, if that explains to you why I'm a little on the wierd/wired side. That and a bit too much excitement that I'm just now running down from.


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