Thursday, July 14, 2005


Frustration doesn't begin to describe it.

What a dork.

So apparently a moderator banned me from a forum that I've been frequenting for a few weeks now. Why? Don't know. I didn't get a notice saying "You've got BANNED!" or an explanation, or anything. Anyone that I've tried to talk to about it, only two or three, has yet to respond. And I'm starting to wonder about it.

It's rather frustrating, mainly because I've done nothing wrong. It's totally hit the high note in my sense of justice and very irritating... I might have skirted some of the rules in the past, but that depends on your viewpoint. I might have said things that were inflamitory... But definately not anything to hit the radar screen unless the Mod is an idiot. There are complete assholes and trolls in that forum, so it's not like I'm running around chopping people's collective heads off or anything. I just poke 'em with a sharp stick...

And they deleted my essay. Bastards. The rules specifically state that you aren't really supposed to go on a soap box, but with 90% of the posts being like that, why would mine draw heat for it? People post long winded and idiotic things all of the time. They even post OTHER PEOPLE'S long winded and idiotic things. I actually take my time to construct an intelligent thesis and post it, entirely my own work, and it gets deleted, and is one of the top reasons I can think of me getting banned. Since most of my stuff isn't ground breaking usually, I have a small list of arbitrary reasons to choose from.

It's so frustrating for me because it's unwarranted and unjustified. I mean, if you're going to kick someone out of a forum, at least have the courtesy to tell them WHY. Sheesh...

Stupid freaking arbitrary ass.


On a lighter note, there isn't one. Heh.

But I'm constructing a somewhat worrisome thought process as of earlier today pointed at addressing the future of foreign policy. A thought occured to me that I didn't like. Sure, it's a lot conspiracy theory stuff, but there's definately a potential there. I'm going to have to see if I can get this one to work in essay form. If it does shape up to be something worth reading, I just might publish the bugger.

Other then that, I'm going to attempt to sleep. I couldn't last night and have been feeling really ill all day today. I figure that eventually my sleep cycle will rotate around to immitate normalcy. And then I'll snap it back into place. But hopefully it won't come to that...

I'm getting increasingly less patient with being bored out of my gord. It's not a good thing. It drives me insane, or better. Which I guess isn't such a bad thing. The better part. Not the insane part.

Anywho. I go now. Watch out behind you.

And it's probably not best to mention the Shuttle Mission getting scrubed unless you want your ear to be filled with a bit of heated ranting about it. The dorks shouldn't be having a problem like this. I'm going to stop paying attention to it if they scrub it one more time... This should have been the last one. They've said for a LONG time now that they were ready...

(Alright, I'll leave it there for now. It's a warning for your own safety.)


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