Sunday, February 19, 2006

Daylight charge accross the minefiled? Anyone?

I always knew you would prove useful.

I don't mean to use people, if that's how it turns out, but I will put pieces of the board in places for optimum effect.

I suppose I didn't put you there so much as realize your potential in this regard.

It is true that I can see these things better than cause or avoid them.

So here's the thing, I knew that it was likely to come to pass, but what am I to do?

I had long thought that I would have to interfere, but now that I might not?


Who am I kidding? There's far too much bad blood. And I'd never be doing it for the sake of doing it. Always a more altruistic, damning motive.

And if I don't want it? What if I'd rather be selfish? Look out for my own good than for yours...?

One life, that's all I need. All I could hope to save, all I could hope for.

Never thought of how I should choose. Guess I can't be picky in these matters. Asides from that, to be so petty. To actually choose who it would be? Madness.

It's impossible. Never going to happen. And coming right at me.

Damn it.

When was it that it was decided that I can't tell where the hell I am going and where everything is coming from?

If you only knew. If I could actually level myself I would be unstoppable.

And here we are, I'm actually on the verge of this and life throws another curve.


Just let me be for a minute and I will have what I want.


Is this where I remind everyone that you only take from this what you brought with you?

If you don't understand, it wasn't meant for you.

If you do understand. Be right before you act.

I'd hate to have you go off half cocked on this like I am or something. That would be terrible. TERRIbLE.


Blogger A_Shadow said...

What if what has the what?

2/23/2006 10:32:00 PM


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