Saturday, February 04, 2006

Alert my Star Destroyer!

A battle of epic proportions against epic foes.

A victory despite all odds.

The darkest times of our lives.

Why can't anything just be simple for a little while?

The constant push and pull, attack and reposte.

I can't trust my friends, only trust them to fail and trust my enemies to destroy me.

Yet there is hope, is there?

Is it assured?

Even the hardiest falter, the most wise are doubtful, and the hopeful feel the creeping doom.

And where are you?

At home, nothing to do, don't even feel the world shake under your feet.

Empires are built and crumble around you.

The world has been destroyed and you didn't feel it.

You're at home watching the game.

I watch another game.

An overly glorified epic version of Chess.

The very fates themselves move the pieces to one end and then the other.

Betrayals and epic winnings against the armies of darkness.

And here we talk of civilities, life and trust.

Why are we trying to define these things in academic wonder?

They are proven time and again in the heat of battle.

Your lies and actions will be put to the test by using them, not analyzing them.

I needn't sit back and measure your worth, you'll prove your weight in time.

I can't, won't trust you and yet I will.

I will burn from your scorn, I will die again.

And for what?

What have I ever brought against you to make you cause so much pain?

I have never cursed your house, or brought enduring hardship.

I mind my own, I care for my own, and you will curse and burn me for my mannorisms.

I offer a hand of friendship and you only take it so that you can better poison me.

I am doomed by my good heart, constantly to be taken advantage of for no reason.

Doomed to enemies that I've never made, but have them all the same.

You are no different, and I weep for it.

I weep for you, I weep for me.

I will always pray that it turns out differently, I will play the course as it must be.

In the end, you will be the same as she is and I never earned any of it.

Better to give than recieve?

I can attest to it assuredly.

Words won't turn your course, not even your faith or my actions could convince you.

It's a price I will always pay for being here.

The scorn of friends I haven't made, and enemies that I deserve not.

This is why I pass.

This is how it will always pass.

If I don't know the why, I can't change it.

There is no why, it is doomed to continue forever.

Alert my Star Destroyer!

Make ready the line!

Shields up!

Weapons to full!

There will be a day that the strength of men fails, but it will NOT be this day!


Blogger A_Shadow said...

Who suggested anything, silly?

I've said it before, and will again: You only take from my words what you want to.

The meaning is yours, the words are mine.

2/05/2006 08:56:00 PM


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