Saturday, February 25, 2006

"So.... Where can I put this?"

"Put what?"

I just stared at her coldly. "The sign says 'donate blood', so where do you want it...?"

She stared back at me a little morbid curiousity shone from her eyes.

"Sir, that's not how it works. We fill out some forms, and then we take the blood from you, directly."

"Why would you do that? I have it all packaged for you. I was doing some spring cleaning... And... Um... Found this."

I put the couple of jugs up on the table. You could hear her gag and then scream. Probably still screaming, somewhere.


A little morbidness.

Happens when you wake up to a silent gun battle that ends with one of your friends dead.

Just a dream right? Why is it then that your dreams always alter your mood?

We weren't doing anything in the dream, but all of the sudden someone (in the persona of on of the TLs at work, ironically) shows up with a buddy and a gun.

We were doing something odd, like sketching the nocturnal wildlife (I remember a sketch pad and it being dark, don't ask, I don't know).

They show up and start demanding that we give something up, with a gun.

Like hell.

Guess I'm just a little too stubborn for that, even in my sleep.

So we played along, then I kidnapped his girl, hiding behind her so that I could get to him.

Maneuvered us close enough for me to wrest the gun from him and threw it.


Who gets a gun and then throws it in that sort of situation? Even as I watched myself internally, I shook my head at my idiocy.

So the persona of my friend ran to get the gun, but she wasn't quick enough for him.

They started wrestling for it and I came over. It should have been a done deal, but the guy managed to maneuver the gun enough that *blamo* she's gone. I'll spare the morbid details that were present.

In turn I managed to yank the gun away from him... Yeah... Won't have to worry about that anymore.

Two people died in that dream. I seriously think that's the first dream where that has happened.

I don't like that feeling in the least...

I'll make it, but what a beautiful day to start off a long Saturday with.

What a beautiful day in the neighborhood.


Porter, I have an answer to your question last night, so when you get online and read this, ask me what it is that I'm talking about :-p.


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