Tuesday, March 07, 2006

The Good, and the Bad, and it's Ugly...

So it's been a while since I've done this.

I take that as a good sign, for once, a sign that things are improving and maybe even going back to "normal".

Have you ever stopped and thought about what's valuable? What's valuable to you, to society, to everyone and everything?

It strikes me as odd that the things that we value most as a society are the intangibles. I mean, the good things that we value most. We value peace, we value love, we value "innocence" and freedom. None of these things can you ever weigh, smoke, eat or drink.

All of the "negative" or bad things that we value: money, weapons, physical love, obesity.

It's an interesting thing, actually.

Justice and the good, those are all intangible things. We fight for what is right, in other words, we fight for rewards that aren't measurable.

All of the measurable things are what we usually found denounced as evil, as rubbish.

It's interesting when you think about it deeper.

In the sense that we are trying to transend the physical. We seek to leave behind our mortal realm.

Good thing that many of us feel there is more out there. There's more to experience, there's more to strive for.

For those of you that wish to stay here with your fleeting pleasures, I stare in wonder at you, but you have that right. The right to never be, or at least stay, satisfied.

I, however, will strive for the unatainable in the search for being the best that I can be.

I will never give up.

I will fight for what I feel is right. I just find it odd that it should all be unmeasurable and unobtainable...



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