Friday, April 28, 2006

Just for you.

1. If you could rid the earth of one thing, what would it be?: Ignorance.

2. What is one thing in life you feel most guilty about?: The lies I told.

3. If you could've known someone as a child that you know now who would it be?: I think it depends on what age I am. If I were me now, then, I would want to know any one of you to make my minions :-p.

4. Who is the single most charming person you have ever met?: I am. No really, think about it. Wait... Wait... There it is!

5. If you could eliminate one emotion from your life, which would it be?: Depression.

6. You suddenly find yourself at the Pearly Gates - make your case for entry: Yeah, that was all really... really... REALLY bad, but c'mon! I didn't get them ALL. Mercy, right?

7. If you could give one thing to each of your ex-lovers, what would it be?: My first thought wasn't very kosher. I would have to say... Understanding. Not of me, but of all of the things for which they have missed, never to understand.

8. If you had to confess the most evil thing youve ever done what would it be?: I've actually confessed it before. Too bad you missed it. Though it hasn't progressed beyond that, yet.

9. What is one personality trait you've tried hardest to change in yourself?: Probably my patience. I have long to travel yet.

10. What would you say is the silliest thing people do in general?: Be silly? Duh?

11. What is the most difficult goodbye you've ever said?: I shouldn't even have to mention.

12. What is the grossest thing you ever put in your mouth?:

Sour Cream?

13. Who is the biggest hypocrite you have ever met?: I'm inclined to say myself, but even I know it's a lie. I'm just the most important one in my life. Higher standards and all.

14. Decide a new punishment for convicted murderers, besides the death penalty: Yeah, death penalty is a release, not a punishment. Torture was one of my earliest learning paths, I don't remember why, but I would start with some of the more fun ones and move up. It would depend on what they did, though, I think I would find more to punish for murdering children and the like. Every death is tragic, but murdering children and so forth is a whole new level of heinous.

15. What would you say is the most beautiful word in your own language?: Spagetification? Or... Antidisestablishmentarianism (sp?). Probably definately: Supercagi... (you know the one), big words make me laugh. They're silly.

16. What was your worst case of putting your foot in your mouth?: Wow, there's a worst case? I had some doosies growing up...

17. What is the most embarrassing moment of your life?: Ha, I long ago decided that one of the above incidents was it, it makes it easy to not get embarrassed anymore.

18. If the U.S. had to sacrifice one state, which one would you give away?: I'm thinking that the thought of this question is "Which state is it that you hate?", but in speaking of actual sacrifice, one of the smaller ones. In a war where you have to lose any state, and you get to choose, I would do that. Lose Rhode Island (no offense, nothing personal) or lose the state of Confusion.

19. What is your most recurring dream?: I had this one about me as a kid, where it was Christmas. But there's one that used to attack me when I was fading out of consciousness where something was chasing me. Something lame like a blue van, or something else, but the feeling was always terrible.

20. If you had the gift of magic for one day, what would you do?: Start working on ways to keep the magic forever? That or make every healthful wish come true, maybe?

21. Out of all your friends, who do you think would be easiest to seduce: Pffft... I'll narrow this down to "kids" my own age or lower, since the others are married, heh, but in that case I would say any of them. They're friends with me, so we should already question their judgment (heh) and they're all looking for love. It's easy when that's the case.

22. If you were 6 inches tall for a day, what would you do?: Try to take over the world, what else?

23. If God were to appear to you in any form, how would you want him to appear?: Just as he is.

24. If you could forget one thing, what would it be?: To forget what I wanted to forgot?

25. Would you ever want to date yourself as a member of the opposite sex?: I honestly can say this question doesn't come up a whole bunch, but I think I might. I'd have to get over the smell and that I'm an ass, first :-p.

26. Would you ever have your spouse followed to find out if they were cheating?: No following, my network would find out. Hell, I wouldn't even have to tell someone to do something or ask about it. I'm sure it'd come out through the grape vine, or be obvious, I mean, really.

27. Did you ever have an imaginary friend? How would you describe them?: I'm sure, memory says yes anyways. I can't remember though.

28. If God were to grant you one favor, what would you ask?: That my ideals come true. You might think that arrogant, but ideally, it wouldn't matter anyways.

29. If you could invent one new home appliance, what would it do?: Everything, fold up under the bed, self cleaning in a rainstorm and cost NOTHING. Just add water. Part of that is an inside joke, all of it is true, lol.

30. What is one occassion that you were unjustly angry?: All of the times that it never mattered and we won't remember.


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