Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Just what I needed.

How odd that the thing below should have been my last post.

How un-shadow like. Or maybe quite the opposite..?


Well I got just what I needed, but it's odd as it is like so many things that are odd with me.

I got the burst of life that I so desperately needed.

Did things go perfectly? Definately not?

But I was free. There really wasn't a care in the world for most of the weekend.

Sorry folks, but had the world fallen apart, it would have been tragic, but me and mine would have survived it or died obliviously.

It's always good to let go so completely.

I even let some of my more strict mannerisms slip a bit.

It was fun.

Though it gives me a renewed respect for Utah in at least one regard - I cherish the clean air act.

What genius!

The beautiful weekend was augmented by the physical beauty of the Earth, not to mention the plentiful eye candy that was as nerdy as I am. But that's only good for looking, looking at paintings is about as fulfilling because I would only get that much out of them.

The great weekend of freedom was augmented by getting some of my toys yesterday and by getting promoted today.

It's my first actual promotion, I realised. While in all technicality, I was "promoted" to a better job when I left Carl's Jr. That's not hard to do. Moving up inside of a company, especially this one it seems, is the real challenge. It has me wanting to get in with my TL and Mike and say "Alright, that wasn't so bad, so what's next?" I would love to be a Team Lead myself. But I fear that by that time, I will be in Logan again, making half as much at best, and worrying about other things.

Other things, such an interesting thing when you meet people from fantasy.

When you meet the old man that is wiser than he looks and seems somehow transcendant.

It was odd, to say the least. Think about it. How many times have you heard a 65+ year old retired trucker talk about the subconscious and its power? Me? Never.

It was something really. He was firm, he was logical, and he was full of faith. To see someone like that have the wisdom you might find in ancient Greece, or in some modern philosophy, coming out of a Trucker. No offense to those of you that are, really, it just doesn't fit the stereotype to be sure. I suppose that one of you has already broken that in my mind anyways.

Well it's been quite fun to say the least.

I have only one fear now.

That my inner fire might be dulled to what it was pre-weekend. I don't want to go back to the hum drum of what it was before. I want to embrace it.

I need to lose the pudge, afterall. It's starting to be a bother.


Blogger utpoohbear said...

Congrats.. I am glad that you got your promotion! :) That is wonderful and I am sure that Mike is very proud of you.

4/25/2006 06:41:00 PM

Blogger A_Shadow said...

It's actually kind of funny, today was the first time that he ever shook my hand. Mostly my doing, but still.

I had congrats from quite a few people that were definately in on the scoop before I was, lol.

4/25/2006 07:16:00 PM


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