Sunday, April 16, 2006

All you've ever given me.

I'm sorry we couldn't continue this more or less live, but I wanted to point out some things:

You've given me a grave insult that only 2 people have ever done. You are one of those two.

If you are going to convince me of something, have it sitting on the ground. Widower attacks will never work on me.

I can only go off of what you have ever given me, so if you believe that I misjudged you, then the only person that can be to blame for that is you.

I have never read anything into what you said that was directed about any of these subjects. There was never anything that needed to be read, it was all laid out.

If you ever even pretended to respect me as you claim you do everyone, then you would have at least respected my dissenting view as what it was, instead of instantly labeling me a bigot with society.

Once you feel that you can continue the discussion without implying that I am naive, close minded, or a bigot, then we will continue to talk about such things. I didn't set out anywhere there to change your mind. I didn't set out anywhere there and call you unclean, or imply that I felt that you were going to hell for any of your ideas.

I did not throw any stones at you.

So stop pretending you're a martyr and stop pretending you're being persecutted because I don't agree with you.

You want to pretend that no body loves you? Great, join everyone else. Be original for once. No one ever feels loved at your age, you're always going to be insecure and unsure about it.

Realize that and you'll be three steps a head of your peers.

If you want me to believe that you have unbiased evidence, you're going to have to lay groundwork and somehow let me know that you haven't twisted it to what you want to hear. You've done it before, admitted to it, and you didn't find anything wrong with it, so excuse me for being skeptical that now should be any different.

And finally, no, I wasn't logging off to avoid you, if that ever entered your mind, as it has in the past, Zeus is an Asshole and didn't want the two of us chatting.

He can't stop me here in my domain. I won't let him.


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