Saturday, May 13, 2006

Wake up you dreamer.

I just watched a disappointing movie, I was hoping against hope it wouldn't suck as bad as everyone said it did, but of course it sucked...

It took forever for the movie to give me something I could use. It almost makes up for the 2 hrs I spent watching it.

It had to do with dreams, goals and ambitions.

Alexander's ambitions were not his army's ambitions and after years of it, at least in the movie, they killed him for it.

It brought an interesting parallel to light about all that.

An interesting point to show indeed.

I have many similar dreams.

In the movie he had his noble plan for what to do with all of the kingdoms of men.

He was conquering them, but it became a quest of freedom, to let them lead their own lives, ironic, but it was his vision.

I don't see that as being too far off from what I would have done in some instances of my life.

We all know that I'm a dreamer, just about to the point of being delusional (heh), but I would have you be free. You need have your personal responsibility, but it would be excellent for you to live your own lives free from all else.

You don't share that dream, at least some of you don't. I find it hard. On one hand you see me as the enemy, just trying to enslave you to a new master, and you are not wrong. I would have you be a slave to youself. And on the other hand you see that you are already where you think I want you to be.

This is not true.

You are a slave, you believe it is to yourself, and while I can't free you from this master, I hope that in a short span of time you will realize as I did that the path you walk is not the path you need to walk.

You say you do, but you act differently.

You feel that you are giving into your own will, and I believe you that you think it's true as I once did.

But you are trying to give up that will of yours, you are trying to force it onto someone else, someone that you think you love, that you want to love and want to love you, but I am sorrowed at the sight.

If I find it come to pass as it came to pass for me, then I will have my work cut out for me indeed.

I'm hardly going to let you follow the path that I've already tread with my own blood. That wouldn't be productive.

But should you continue down this path, you must finish it and there's no way for me to shorten it for you.

On the other side, you will realize as I have that you are just a splinter, a shadow, of your former self. You might feel regret, you might try to reclaim it, but realize that you are clinging to ideas and memories. You need to forge a new path. You need to find a new self on the other side, one that is wiser and stronger, albeit maimed and fatigued from a necessary journey.

I pray that you don't have need or want to follow that same path, but I am watchful to see what comes for you.

You think me evil, you think me a slave master, but I haven't a thought towards that in the world.

I don't care if you believe me or not, but I feel like I'm one of the few people that will try to help you no matter what, regardless of whether I've wanted to or not, I am here, I was put here for a purpose, and I intend to find that purpose and fulfill it.

This I swear.


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