Sunday, January 16, 2005

And there it is.

The end of the first week of college erupting into a glorious three day weekend.

Or it would be if I didn't need deal with a pair of frauds that can't understand why I react the way I do.

Anyways... It's odd being home. I somehow feel that I don't belong. My bed is my bed, but I barely remember it. My computer, the same, the whole house is like returning to one of my previous abodes. It's just a memory now... I wish everything else could be "just a memory".

And such a short time. The whole of the week dragged on for decades, but I have to leave early in the afternoon tomorrow. I'm not really ready to go back. Few people know me, and fewer could come to care about me like I get down here. And then it's a tad unnerving to be told by everyone that I'm missed. I've never had that before. I walk around campus, and those around me see me and recognize me from a run-in elsewhere, but they don't know me or care for me. And that's much how it's been my life. And yet, these people have waited a week to see me. Even my dad, whom I'd expect it of, but not for him to really talk about it. But I suppose it's only natural...

So many things... It's hard trying to beat the world at something that it doesn't know that it's involved in. I've never had such real world examples. I know that some of you might not agree, but if you ever need such a pure sample of corruption, naievity and lies, these will trump all others.

In the last six months I have never been happier, and yet never known such a sorrow. I have looked forward to college all of my life, and am somehow dissapointed by it's current ease. I suppose that's what I get for letting them put me into average classes with average people. Not to say that they are below me, but they are a bit slower. Some of the things that they take down notes on, scare me. But I hope it won't always be like this. This next week will add more, and a job, and possibly upgrading the job...

Anyways. I still need to get some things off of this before I put it back in it's box.


Blogger vermilion said...

Again, I am a little curious, if not concerned. Do I know these two frauds?

1/18/2005 10:57:00 AM


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