Monday, September 05, 2005

Lies! All lies!!

Forgotten, I'd like to call bullshit. Who the heck are you trying to fool? You don't have feelings? I'm one of the most emotionally seperate people I know and I don't even come close to fitting that bill. Just thought you would like to know... I don't feel that denial is ever an effective weapon, that's why I focus on learning and knowing the facts and not running around spreading lies and heresies and going "la la la" to anyone with a differing opinion.

You want to think that you don't have feelings great, but kiddo, you aren't going to fool me. Sorry, that sort of stuff doesn't work here.

The irony is that it sort of ties in with today's topic:

It has been brought to my attention recently that one of my esteemed readers thinks that I am lying or otherwise being untruthful in my domain here. I just want to put a few things out there and make a few things known...

I present the facts as I have them, not as I want them to be. If I presented what I wanted, you would have a very different sort of reading motiff going on here. I present these events as accurately as I can, ESPECIALLY in regards to other people. My thoughts are my own, judge them on their own merits, but I am so far from trying to decieve you that it's not even funny.

Thus, why haven't you commented? Why haven't you challenged the "lies"? I am EXTREMELY open to ANYONE who is willing to talk about these subjects. ANY AND ALL COMERS. I am not worried about your past, present or future relationship in this area. I am not here to decieve you, I am here to learn and to share my experiences. I learn from everyone and everything, even my deepest darkest enemies. The only thing you need be concerned about is your self-esteem if you make an assinine statement. I put that in there because if you come to me bemoaning something rediculous or saying how badly I suck or whatever, prepare to be laughed out of the room. I'm not here to throw labels around, so if you want to call me a liar, demonstrate how I have done it. If there are facts that you think have been omitted, BY ALL MEANS inform the local populace of the REST of the story.

I repeat that this goes beyond any relationship standings. I accept knowledge from all sources. I accept a "good" idea from anyone, I don't say "Aw, well, dang, I'd really love to use concrete, but the Romans were conquerors. Nope, can't support Conquerors 'cause their teh evils!!11". Doesn't happen. I won't throw it out if it is valid, no matter the source. I gaurantee it.

Just keep this in mind. If I were trying to warp your minds and present only my ideas, I would never source anything. If I wanted you to think something about an article, I wouldn't post the link to the VERY ARTICLE that I am speaking about. If I am talking about events that I have experienced (and you were there), sure I'm giving you my perspective, but I'm not jading it in any way. There's no other way to talk about those sorts of things.

I try as much as humanly (probably more than humanly) possible to present unbiased and unadulterated facts, opinions and information. I'm not perfect, but if you think that I'm some grand charlatan hell bent on wrending your minds into my demonic mold, you give me WAY TOO MUCH credit. I haven't yet BEGUN to start.


On another note, today was the most rewarding boredom ever. 2.5x pay to sit around and talk? I can get used to that.

The catch is that tomorrow it sounds like it will be hell on earth as everyone comes back from a long weekend on not working and decides to panic, but we shall see. I know that there is some things that will end up like that, but I don't see it being THAT big of an impact.


Blogger A_Shadow said...

And that may be true. I just thought I would let you know that I call complete and udder bullshit.

Yes, udder, as the cow.

9/06/2005 04:37:00 PM


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