Thursday, September 01, 2005

Going through it again, for the first time.

No, I wasn't neuralized, but it was a thought that I will explain a bit later.

Sorry Forgotten, it's one of those weeks, time for another message:

Why is it that we can't show our weaknesses?

This has gone on long enough, hasn't it?

It's really quite quaint that you try to play these games with me, but you shant survive the contest. I'm in too deep, know too much. After all, I taught you everything that you know, but not everything that I know.

It's so infantile, isn't it?

I'd love to say that you started it, I'd love to believe it, but I know that I allowed it, that makes me guilty enough.

"For evil to triumph good men need simply to do nothing."

I am dumb.

I wish to reconcile hates and wars of ol'.

I wish to hug my enemy.

I dream of peace in wartime.

"And now Lonestar, we know why Evil will always triumph over Good: Because Good is dumb."

And I would hug you in a heartbeat if I didn't fear the knife.

I would take you in an instant if you would stop this foolishness.

I'm an idiot for it.

We shall continue on our paths: Never a chink in the armor for fear of the knife.

You don't hate me anymore then I hate you, but we fight as hard as any rivals...


Target locked, missile away... Target destroyed.


So the headline. Been through this before, but always for the first time.

I'm getting more confused, and it's because time isn't as linear as everyone thinks it is. This has already happened. You've made the choices, you just need to understand them.

At work I can never shake the feeling. I know these people. Duh. No, it's not a "hey I've only worked with you for the last three weeks, I better know someone!", it's an actual pre-existing knowledge. I KNOW THESE PEOPLE.

Know anything specific? Not so much. But when it happens, it's not new information, it's memory. I've already been here and done this. I experience things that I've never experienced, but I do it through memories that I've never made. Psychic? Hardly. I don't really believe in it, at least not at the moment. But I can't shake the feeling that I know a lot of these people and that's relatively impossible.

I'd love to say that it's over active imagination, you have no idea how much I would love to say that, but that's not it. Too many coincedences, even if I believed in them. Just too many.

Each action is pre-determined, either someone set it out for me, or I'm just following the path that I've followed for all of time. I've always pretty much felt that I was on the path, regardless of comments to the contrary, and there's only one place that I feel I strayed whence I wasn't to. And the only thing that got me back was someone else did the same thing, but going the wrong way...

I know these things because I have memories of things I've never done, no inputs other than the individuals' face. People must look at me and think that I'm so quiet and uninteresting, that I have no life. How quaint and humurous. I have lived more lives than anyone, it seems. Something is coming that has always been coming. I sit and observe because I am missing something and waiting to pounce on it, is that the reason that I am missing it? Catch 22...


Last night I went and saw "The Sound of Thunder". A time travel movie. If you've ever heard me criticize a science fiction movie with poor science (*cough* SpiderMan2*cough*) then you know that I didn't like the science. It was pretty good as a concept though, but I almost vowed to never watch a movie in a theater again. The people seem to disgust me more and more when I watch these world ending events on the screen. Laughing when someone gets eaten? There was once where I laughed with them and that was because the lady's attempt to ressussitate someone was so pitiful...

But I suggest you see it, if for no other reason than to make up your own mind about it. It poses some interesting thoughts, but these are things that I have glanced at before. It was a good story, but like all stories it was a bit "convenient" at times...


Sorry for the serialized post, but I am trying to keep my jumbled thoughts as organized as possible for you. I got up and almost refused to go to work today because I am not doing what I feel I need to be doing. People displaced by Katrina, gas prices as high as $4 a gallon and 1,000 people dead in a stampede, of people, in Iraq and I'm going to make close to a hundred bucks by talking on the phone and sitting at a desk, half awake? What the hell? Some hero, eh? And so I went to work. What really am I supposed to do? Buy a ticket out to one of the trouble spots of the world, a nobody, A_Shadow, and offer my "assistance" and reign in the distruction of the world?

The world could be coming to an end with as stupid as these people are acting, and I'm going to work...


Eventually I will realize that the world will rise and fall without my help, but I can't help it. I'm not so sure that if I had been at these places that I COULDN'T have changed the events.

I mean, come on. A THOUSAND PEOPLE died in a stampede because someone suggested there might be a suicide bomber in the crowd. That just reeks of brilliance when you weigh the number of dead vs. the number of dead if they had stayed put and there HAD BEEN a bomber. A thousand people dead because they panicked. That was the suicide bomb. And they were it.

Gas prices at $4 a gallon in some places. For why? Because 25% of our oil production was cut off. Do you know how much oil we get from ourselves??!! And we have strategic reserves. We have so much that could have offset that little bit. And now I'm watching a half-assed "documentary" come true because they guessed how stupid Americans are. Because we let our economy be slain by our idiot fears...

And not to mention the fact that people being evacuated from the football stadium in New Orleans were trapped for HOURS because some fuck-wit decided it would be a smart thing to shoot at one of the evacuation helicoptors. WHAT THE FUCK? That doesn't even begin to get at the surface of my reaction. That person should be skinned alive and put on someone's mantle. Shooting at an EVACUATION HELICOPTER IN AMERICA?? In the homeland. Evacuating people, necessarily, from a leaky stadium. What the hell kind of genius is that...? And I just watched a movie on evolution... He should be exterminated from the gene pool, back as far as 9 generations in each direction.


That one killed the mood I think.

I'm done anyways. A week end is here and I get to sleep now. A week's worth of sleep is calling me screaming to be made up.


Blogger A_Shadow said...

Evolves over time??

Sorry, I'm just a little confused as to what that was supposed to mean.

9/01/2005 11:03:00 PM

Blogger A_Shadow said...

This is about being guarded all of the time, not about showing weaknesses in general.

It's about being guarded your whole life in fear of a comment that would never in a million years be said. I get weary of the game at times.

Have you ever shown weakness? Why? I understand in your family things tend to work a bit differently, but I like to just let "my hair down" and let people know the real me every once and a while. There are some things that I don't mention and don't talk about.

No, it's nothing to worry about, not like skeletons in the closet (like some people), but in the instance that I'm referring to, I'd love for the people to know how I'm feeling about it. I want them to know the truth, I want them to know my weakness, to realize how dumb I can be. Not because I'm self deprecating or self-destructive, but because I'm tired of hiding my true feelings. But then I'm not allowed that in this society. You hear people bitch about how guys hide their feelings, but no one really wants your real feelings. If you give them a reality that they don't like or appreciate, they get indignant and hate you for it.

I'm a blunt person, but I'm not allowed to tell you how I feel about you. I can't tell my friends' parents how I feel about them, and I can't tell people that I'm at odds with how I feel about them.

If I have feelings about someone close to me, I swallow it. If I have feelings about someone's parents and I can't say anything: I swallow and choke on my words. If I have some feelings about someone that I'm at odds with, and they have them back, we still yell and scream at each other whether or not we really feel like that.

That's the weakness I'm talking about, the vulnerability of playing with all your cards, face up, on the table. If it's a flush, there's no problem, but if you draw blank, you're in trouble. That's why I only play with the cards that can't be beat.

After swallowing my words for so long, it's no wonder I have heartburn. I swallow such vile substances that eat at my heart and soul...

Is that good enough reason? Or should I try harder?


Just so you know, if you didn't figure it out (or assume) on your own. I wasn't getting all in your face. It's just been a passionate week for me and there's a bit of free radicals flying around. I just felt that I needed to try and explain something. Especially if you don't see there's a reason to ever show your weaknesses.

If you never explore your weaknesses, how do you use your strengths?

9/02/2005 09:42:00 PM

Blogger A_Shadow said...

I just wanted you to know that it wasn't directed at you. The energy was coming out for sure, but it's not yours to claim, meaning that I'm not "yelling" at you.

It's really up to you how you deal with your weaknesses. I prefer to be mindful of mine. If you find one that I'm not aware of, I'll promote you to head of something... Like the head of finding "my" weaknesses department of protection department. In all seriousness, if I don't know about it, it's a scant possibility anyone else does, and I don't really care how prideful that might seem.

But as I said, there are some good things that come from weaknesses. Like, normally, it is expected that a guy show some sort of emotional vulnerability (society likes to call this "sensitivity", lol).

If you don't seem sensitive or empathic, you don't make too many friends. I'm one to think that it could (and usually is) a weakness. *shrug* I guess that's opinion. There are many weaknesses that are strengths. Some things that I would tell you are "weaknesses" I admire in a person, actually.

Sorta like the word consequence, I don't believe that it's solely a negative word, it's just taken that way more often then not.

9/04/2005 05:48:00 PM


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