Sunday, September 04, 2005

"Mommy, a giant just threw me at Daddy..."

Forgotten: I just want to re-itterate that none of that earlier commenting was negatively directed at you. I hope you understand that, and if you do (which I'm assuming that you do at the moment), then I thank you for understanding.


So I've realized over the last few months that I haven't really posted about our games so much... If at all... For almost a year. I guess that really stems from the fact that I don't have to keep certain individuals informed anymore. One of them is playing (that's how I got him into the game) and various others have ceased caring (at least openly) and thus I shall add one just because I can:

So I've been playing a Svirfneblin Rogue. For those of you that don't know, Svirfneblin is a subrace of Gnome. They're "Deep" Gnomes. And I love this guy. He's quite neat if I do say so myself. This time, for a short "one day" (really three... grr...) game, half of the "party" got together and decided that we should play rogues. The class of rogue is particularly cool because it is so broad and sweeping. Sure, there are multitudes of things that you can do with other classes, but rogues are the only ones that can become unrecognizable from themselves if you play them in unique ways. But they all have a few base things in common, naturally.

Anyways, I'm the sneak/pick pocket stereotype. I am your stereotypical dungeon delving (go figure) rogue. Additional to that, I'm built up a bit like Yoda in combat (thus my name, actually, which is Yodar). I've got all sorts of really neat things that make me niftier in combat. And then I have many innate, and not so innate, skills that turn me into a shadow. I'm essentially undetectable so my joke has been that you can't tell the difference between him and an illusion of him, you'll get the same results unless you walk up and poke him. Really quite neat.

Anyways, we've been sent to help stop some sort of prophecy that might lead to a Drow civil war. We get sent by my father's Drow Paladin character to stop it. So we finally make it to this border town (as in all good stereotypical DND games) and are "competing" with a rival adventuring group with the same mission. After we are there for a few days we take off into the desert. We fight through two different encounters and then (where the quote comes from) we face off with some sort of super giant.

Now, the cool thing about having a group of rogues is that the abilities that they share, kick uber butt. Flanking in this game lets rogue's do humongous ammounts of damage. So when we gang up on something, it's even less time before it is being looted for treasure. So we fight two encounters within 100 ft of each other and get ready to go down into the underdark when this hideous giant thing attacks us (it's like a giant, but different some how). Well I'm the underdark dweller, and there's not much of a place to hide, so I tell everyone to get to the cave mouth to bottleneck it and I stay in the open with the sun at my back to draw it's attention (well, that's what it turns out being when a 3'4" Gnome goes "Boogey, boogey, boo!" to a 22' monster with a tree as a club). So he charges me and after a few rounds of combat, he throws his club at my dad's character, and then picks me up and uses me as a projectile to throw it at my dad's character again.

And now, in the most longwinded way of telling a story in a long time, you have the quote. Because after this happened I went upstairs and said that to my mother, and I just happened to think it was sorta funny (and we all know how hard it is for me to think that...). Plus I had a weak excuse to talk about the game in not so much detail.

So the point? My guy's really neat, not yours, mine and: Gnomes do NOT make really good projectiles. Especially me.

So moving on, it is that time of the week. That time when I shall post the song of this week. It has a bunch to do with this week and I think I even had it picked out by tuesday or wednesday. It has about a billion hidden meanings and messages to me, good luck trying to figure it out, not to mention it's actually a good song. My brother introduced me to this one, more or less, a few months ago. And the "ammunition" verse has great connotations for current times:

Sitting, Waiting, Wishing
by Jack Johnson

Well I was sitting, waiting, wishing
You believed in superstitions
Then maybe you'd see the signs

The Lord knows that this world is cruel
I ain't the Lord, no I'm just a fool
Learning lovin' somebody don't make them love you

Must I always be waiting, waiting on you
Must I always be playing, playing your fool

I sang your songs, I danced your dance
I gave your friends all a chance
But putting up with them
Wasn't worth never having you

Maybe you've been through this before
But it's my first time so please ignore
The next few lines cause they're directed at you

I can't always be waiting, waiting on you
I can't always be playing, playing your fool

I keep playing your part
But it's not my scene
Want this plot to twist
I've had enough mystery
Keep building it up
Then you shooting me down
But I'm already down

Just wait a minute
Just sitting, waiting
Just wait a minute
Just sitting, waiting

Well, if I was in your position
I'd put down all my ammunition
I'd wonder why'd it taken me so long

But the Lord knows that I'm not you
And if I was, I wouldn't be so cruel
Cause waitin' on love ain't so easy to do

Must I always be waiting, waiting on you
Must I always be playing, playing your fool

No, I can't I always be waiting, waiting on you
I can't always be playing, playing your fool


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