Tuesday, August 23, 2005


It's as fitting a title as any.

Forgotten: You aren't SUPPOSED TO find this interesting. That's why if you do, and own up to it, I will have you committed. As in to the funny farm. With men with nice white coats and junk. 'Cause they'll be coming to take you away ha-ha!


You needest deliver me, fortwith and henceforth, cough drops. I have been weezing like an old man for quite some time now and need a remedy...

"Also, life's a bitch and then you die." - Bart Simpson.


Ok, so today was another rollercoaster. I'm finding that the job is bearable as long as I needn't deal with my superiors. Because they suck. And not in the typical "I'm your freakin' sup. so listen to me, Maggot!" suckage, but they seem to be idiots.

That of course is my expert opinion.

Tomorrow is a massive audit. They are bringing in Capital One people to audit us and check our security. So they send out an e-mail at some point during the day saying that BY TOMORROW we are to have certain CBTs done if at all possible (Computer Based Training). Right. The one that I pulled open and then tried to test out of is a 3 hour course. Not at all possible to do that and about 4 others overnight. Not and sleep at the same time.

What's worse? So many other things, but I probably shouldn't list them here for legal reasons. I might have done it, but I'm trying to keep a mostly spotless record throughout my life, not a task easily done.

So one good thing is that my schedule got pushed back an hour letting me sleep in an hour, which tonight was spoiled by my attempt at the CBTs and cleaning a couple of A-5s. So completely crap. The one we borrowed was a beast and a half...


I have a new gmail account. Not that I'm going to give it out en masse and have it replace my current one. But it's much easier to remember and a hell of a lot funnier. I haven't decided how best to use that, yet. Thus it won't be shared. Least of all on public channels where any of you joe blow robots and spammers can steal it from me.

But if you hear me tell you to e-mail somewhere that sounds too funny to be right, it probably isn't.

There was a whole Utah Rave bust thing, if you didn't catch the news. It's kinda funny on one end because all the ravers that were there were bitching about how legit it was and how brutalized they were. And then when you read the actual reports you know what was going on. The ravers claimed to have all the permits, about 700 people, and not only did they "not have drugs" they had hired their own security. The task force said that not only did they not have a permit, they did have drugs, and at least one 17 y.o. girl ODed. At least I believe that was her age. Interesting how you OD when no drugs are present.

If I weren't trying to go to bed, I'd post the link. If you must, I must, and will, but not now...

Alas I must sleep so that I can pass my boring (but stressful and exciting?) day away tomorrow. I have no idea what they're going to do with us new hires...

Sleep, for tomorrow is another day every bit as demanding as this one.


Blogger A_Shadow said...

Um... I'm tired, and thus lost. What is interesting in an odd way?

Also, I don't mind being "as mad as you are" because that will likely be an improvement. Just leave the midget hobos out of it.

Unless you name them (him?) Scruffy the Dwarf. 'Cause that would work for me, he's the eighth dwarf. Hi-ho, hi-ho, it's off to bed I go...

8/24/2005 09:57:00 PM


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