Friday, January 06, 2006

Did you hear the thunder?

You better run, you better take cover!

The pounding of drums is distant in the lands, green, black and blue clash in epic duels.

The fires of hell must be stopped, old friends and new allies join forces for the coming tides of darkness.

Shattered spears, broken spirits and maimed bodies will once again line the Earth Mother as she weeps for the loss of her children.

But we must fight! It is the only way to save us all!

Warchief, they come! Warchief, they're here! Warchief, we march to the ends of all.

Hell's scream chills the bone, but we will drive the beasts back to their infernal resting places.

The undead and demonic hordes will be turned, the new lands give us this hope.

Out of these new lands shall I emerge. You've beaten me once, twice, but no more.

When I was new, I was close on your heels. Now I'm sure the tables have turned. Come, I have, justice be done.


I have a new toy, one of the last things that was on my Christmas list. I've been enjoying it very much today. Not sure how much more of it there is, but it brings back an aweful lot of memories.

As always, there's triple (or more) meaning in the above written... Stuff... I target old, current, and new topics, so have fun trying to unwravel the tangled webs.


I have a lot to do today... I shall enjoy this a while longer before I work... But work I must... I need to catch up and jump ahead all at once. I just need to do it in a way that doesn't clash with those around me. It's a nice little trick of the trade. Work something in just the manner that you catch up on your self-imposed deadlines, get ahead of where you wanted to be, and NOT step on anyone's toes along the way! Brilliant!

I'm not in the mind to be writting much more, so enjoy what you have. I have minions to kill.


Blogger Adeja said...

I'm pissed off at you.


Because, you posted today, yet you weren't on msn. I'm an msn junkie, it's how I communitcate with friends.

You're slipping into the aquaintance zone. PLUS you never comment (if you even read) my blog anymore. like jeez. Thanks a lot.

1/06/2006 10:12:00 PM

Blogger A_Shadow said...

That's just great! And the one time I do get on, you aren't there! You're never there!

Or wait... Is that me...?

I'll have to remedy that... Some things to take care of, always some things... why does this time make it that I can't focus...

1/08/2006 07:47:00 PM


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