Wednesday, March 08, 2006

A curiousity.

Such a silly thing.

We all do it, none of us are immune, really.

The young and the old all fall victim to its grasp.

The oddity is that it's perfectly normal, totally accepted.

Does anyone stop and think about the why...?


You only have the one heart, that's all there is.

Yet, there you are, you seek to give it out, to throw it out even, hoping that someone will play, someone will fetch and return it to you.


Some of you are careful, calculating even.

But what does it matter, really?

You end up in the same messes.

Your heart gets crumpled and thrown away.

You can be as carefree as the wind, or as calculating as a mathemetician, but the truth is that it defies reason.


So here we are, that untamed beast.

It's gotten us both, hasn't it?

All hot and bothered, all tired we are.

Such an inconsiderate thing.

It doesn't listen to reason.

It doesn't listen to the pleading of our hearts.

It simply is.

It always has been this way, and it will be for some time to come.


So here we are.

We're bruised.

We're hurt.

We're looking for our hearts, but no one looks to return them.

We'll march on.

We'll make it.


What really is the point, though?

That's the burning question.

All I know is that it sucks.

A gravitational field that has sucked everything into its vortex of doom.

You, me, that guy, and those girls all over there?

All gone.


Vortex of Doom.

Quagmire even.



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