Friday, April 14, 2006

I can't believe you're making me do this.


So does this mean I can demand a recipricol of you now? That I can demand explanations as to the workings of your mind?

Or is it that we just assume that I have no idea what I'm talking about and will say anything to be 'cool' or something else so that I can be viewed.

Why am I A_Shadow? Why do I call myself that? You find me a better fit.

Let's start with the small reasons, maybe you will find you can wrap your head around the larger reasons later. Appearing in no definate order:

Small reason 1:

It's all in perception. It's all in how the world views you. Take me into an empty room, what am I? I'm 6' + and nothing. There's nothing there, only what the two of us take there. It's even more so for a complete stranger.

I am the most recognizable Shadow in the world. I am this because I manipulate perceptions, since the word 'manipulate' is often taken in the negative, let me further explain: I am as prominent as I want to be. I can lead armies without them having known my name. I have made friends and had great fun with people that will never know who I am. You can look forward to running into me 30 times a day and have no idea why, or how, or who. I shape that, I use that. It's a fact of my life that though I am large, though I am outspoken, I have retained the ability to 'sneak' about if you aren't paying attention.

Small reason # 2:

It's a pun. You can't not dig the pun. I'm a shadow, A_Shadow. C'mon people. What's wrong with how cool that is?

Small reason # 3:

My relationships exist in the shadows. Not to say that they are shadow, but they are certainly borderline illusory. I have known and loved people that I've never met, and they have loved me back. I will probably never get the chance to meet them. Hell, some of you here I will never get the chance to actually meet. Sometimes this is a burden, as seen by a few of you, most of the time it is a tragic statement, that if you turn off your computer and walk away, I am gone.

There is no power there, I am an illusion in your mind. You can choose to believe me, to listen to me, to argue with me if you want, because all you have to do is turn off your computer and walk away. There is no life there, there is no power, no warmth as one of you would say. Thus, I am a shadow, with only the power which your imagination gives me.

Small reason # 4:

This one more or less ties into my ability to manipulate perception, but when I want to be, I can be where I want to be and there are few of you that would notice. I know it comes up at work all of the time. I am right behind you, waiting for a time to interject my needed comment long before you realize that I'm there. Quite often, I'm bumped into while you are walking away without realizing I'm even there. I'm not the sneakiest, the most silent, but I'm certainly sneaky enough to the point that most of you don't realize I'm around unless I want you to. Thus, Shadow.

Small reason # 5:

This is mostly a perk by opperating with the moniker, but it's a readily available username. Don't try and steal it or I'll hurt you. It's identifiable and 90% unique, which is that I mean to say that 90% of the time that you see A_Shadow, and 100% of the time that you see 7h3Shadow that I'm aware of, it's me. Think of that when you're out there on the internets. My name is prominent there. I'm able to pick it up from all but GMail and Xanga that I'm aware of, and then some sites don't allow for the use of underscores.

Small reason # 6:

The reason why I came up with it in the first place, was during a LAN party of all places. We were out at IHOP messing around at midnight during a break, and I got the idea that, wouldn't it be funny that if we changed our names, when we did something, it would look awesome. For instance, we were playing Ghost Recon (oh, noes Porter, another FPS situation) and it always says " 'Your character name' has eliminated a 'such and such' soldier". Shush, such and such soldiers are everywhere.

I originally had the name set to "A_Deer", because it's hella funny in my mind that a Deer should come out of the woods to eat a soldier, beware of the mighty Deer!

Once someone was on to it and sniped my name (thanks, Squirt), I had to change it. A_Shadow was my second choice, and it was perfect. I am a shadow, I come out of the wood work to do what needs to be done. I will eat you and leave before you realize what happened and all you'll have left to know it was me is to watch me run over the image of your avatar.

Shadows coming alive and eating bad guys, that's me.

For the most part, the name is harmless, it is used as a teasing comment to the world. It is to tease you, it is a pun, it is a wonderful nick name that I have given myself and is every bit as unique as I am. It gives me what any alias does, anonymity. I have friends that respect the name, now. I have those of you that don't get it and thus won't, but these are reasons for why I use it the way I do, I have been.

There are more, chief reasons, but you'll have to approach me individually on those, when you're brave enough, and find me private somewhere.

I don't feel like posting this one for the world to see. Because I don't want the world to see me, because I don't think that they'd understand. When everything's made to be broken, I just want you to know who I am.

And now you know more than I have said in one sitting in a while. There is more to know and there always will be.


Blogger A_Shadow said...

Sure, pour light on the shadow, pour more salt on the snail.


Don't worry, I didn't let the big cat out of the bag yet.

So where's that rebuttle you promised me?

4/15/2006 12:12:00 AM


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