Sunday, May 14, 2006

Can you take me higher?

Yesterday was a pretty good day, oh, and Happy Mother's day to Dani and Erica and Tim's wife and each of your respective mothers and wives.

But yeah, the day was pretty good, getting my butt kicked by Dad at my own game again. But I think I found some combinations to at least unthrone his uber hit squad. But the problem will be that we need to find him a way to beat said squads, because at this point he has the best chance at winning, lol.

The other day I finally got my Jedi Master Luke and a Yoda, so that should help rather nicely. And, assuming factions aren't a limiting factor, I found a two man squad that could potentially throw down some pain.

But the evening was particularly good.

I went out to meet Whitney after work and had to wait for her. Not that I minded, but it was ironic because I was sure that I was going to miss her, but that's ok. 30 mins later when she was able to get out after counting out her till and everything, we raided Greywhale for about 20 mins before they closed and then managed to get out with three really good CDs:

Creed - Human Clay

Breaking Benjamin - We are not Alone

Smash Mouth - Get the Picture?

Odd little mix, but I need to go back for some Switch Foot, Staind and Foo Fighters (I think, I need the 'On your Honor' album.)

After that we went over to Wal-Mart and got last minute Mother's Day gifts.

That was fun.

It was nice. Not nearly as cool as I was planning I think, but awesome just the same.

And now for the bombshell for those not already aware:

That was our little "Hey it's been a week" thing, well, for me.

For those of you not understanding yet: We've been "going out"/dating for a week now.

Hold the presses, yes it's true.

I don't want to get more than the usual ammount of crap for it either. So swallow that all right now.

I think it's safe to talk about it now, I'm getting a little more comfortable with how things are. Well, I was by about Tuesday.

But anyways, now it's kinda public.

So there.

And happy Mother's Day. Again.


Blogger utpoohbear said...

Thanks Justin! :) I hope you have a good weekend with your mom...

and congrats on you and Whitney.. I know that we all really like her! :)

5/14/2006 02:17:00 PM

Blogger A_Shadow said...

Dude, use your words dude...

Thanks for the support guys. I'm glad you enjoyed it :-p.

5/15/2006 06:24:00 PM


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