Sunday, October 08, 2006

Are you normal?

Do you feel lucky, punk? Well, do yah?

BTW, I'm not very normal:

Your Normalcy Quotient is: 37 out of 100.

Your quiz results make you a Marvelous Maverick

Giddy-up partner. You're a maverick and don't know what the definition of normal is. That's a-okay because you're now part of a fascinating group of desperadoes. Wherever you ride, it's sure to be off the beaten path because it's way more fun to find the path least traveled.

Raise your hand if you saw that coming...

*Glares at you* Put your hand down.


Blogger vermilion said...

lol. Niiice. We always wondered.

Yet it is a funny thing , no one wants to hear that they are normal.
I sure didn't like my 47%. We all want to think that we are deviating from the norm, living something original. Interesting thing...

note to all-- please disregard the following:

To sum normality up in but 10 unrelated questions? Hair texture, number of kids, or electronic purchases? Good questions some of them, but they shouldn't end there.

This wasn't based on personality quirks or personal habits and interests. :( More on assets, questions on whether or not people are filling common roles in your life.

careful sending a quiz my way. I'll start foaming of the mouth and spouting phrases like- the results do not accurately represent the questions, the questions don't have a thing to do with the nature of the quiz........... Careful careful... she'll dissect everylittle thiiiing. She'll do it she's crazy.

and she does take note of the direct site quote:
"Remember: Chatterbean quizzes are non-scientific, non-fat and pretty much just non-sense. They are meant solely for entertainment purposes and are not intended to provide an accurate evaluation of anything. "

That's why she forgets about it in two minutes.

--start re-regarding.

lol. fun idea. Despite my naysaying, thanks for the exposure to the quiz, or more just the idea of the quiz. :)

Now I'm on my own quest. I want to... no it's a MUST now to make an indepth discerning quiz with interest.

10/11/2006 03:00:00 AM


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