Monday, December 13, 2010


The term "bedroom philosopher" on its own should make teenage giggles permeate the mind, but not all is as it immediately seems. If there is anything that is easier to say than to comprehend and even easier to comprehend than to live - it is the idea that there are many ways to live. There are many paths to take in life.

Ultimately, your path is your own. I won't object unless you're hurting someone, though sometimes I may speak up if I think you could do better. In your case the only change I could I could think to make would to be to undo things that are done. Even if these things inevitably become part of the mix, it's hard to imagine it was worth it.

In addition to the many things that I feel in common with you, and the things we've already shared, are the things that we have yet to share. The things you've taught me or helped me challenge are priceless. For example, in the early tepid stages, mystery may be enough of an attraction. This stage makes sense, but needs to be traversed if any headway is to be made. Once the layers begin to be revealed a decision is made to press on or cut your losses and run. I believe it works out that the first stage is to discover everything you can about the person and the second stage is to reconcile the difference and pursue the future. If you decide that the only thing there is fun, then maintain and cherish that. The next main stage I believe is the decision to uncover new mysteries together. This is the great adventure.

I won't lie, the patience required is quite a challenge. Moving too fast or two slow in some areas or at all could be disasterous. The key there is patience and understanding. Essentially in this case, they aren't any different.

If anything, the most important thing you've shown me is hope. I had shared a lurking concern that I've had for nearly a year now. I realized this morning that I only needed to observe the answer. Perhaps I miss the naivetie that youthful love brings, but I'm definitely smarter now, however little, and eyes more open. Perhaps whatever does lie in the future would never be as full without that loss.

Now for the nerd portion and my eternal battle. If I seek to pursue anything here, to measure or understand it, I will forever change it. I am human, I have desires, but I hope to leave what I love largely intact. I can't interact without change, so change we shall. As much as I love the purity of the being there, I can't help but wonder what beautiful pictures might be painted here.

I think we're going to keep playing my little game. You're in charge of the pace. No matter how I would fight it, the truth is that you're inevitably in control. That's the only way that it can be. You do what you wanna.


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