Friday, February 11, 2005

Bad choice.

Right, well nothing comes to mind, so I'm mostly just catching up.

I ran into that one roomate again, turns out his name is Josh and the other guys' name is Juan. And Juan did come in the other night, not realizing that I was moved in already. Funny stuff. But I talked to Josh a little bit and calmed some of my doubts, enough that today should be better.

But I need an Ethernet cord... I can't get to the outside world and communicate without it. Such a simple to find and cheap thing to be missing... And on top of that I could use a table and a chair for my computer... And a mouse pad. But note that all of these things involve my computer. That's because it has all of my software, etc. so that I can do homework and better manage areas of my life. Doing this from a computer lab with upwards of 200 people is a bit odd... Oh, well...

Time for the daily, or so, rant. But first of let me tell you that today's going rather well, I'm just flabergasted by the news again...

Is there a particular plague of the mind running amok, or has humanity always been this horrible? What I'm talking about is that a mother through her just born baby out of a moving car. Yep, let's be pro-abortion here so that things like that don't happen. So that she could have had a legal abortion or whatever. It must have been such a burden on her that she THROUGH HER CHILD FROM A MOVING VEHICLE. Where's the rape or the other cries of understanding that caused this? Nope, no such animal. The mother was arguing, most likely with the father, and through the baby out of the car window. It's amazing. I mean, why didn't my parents think of that. It would have saved them so much trouble if they had just spared me the... NO!! I don't care who you are, you all know that is wrong! I don't get what the craze is. The baby is less than an hour old (approximately) and is just thrust out the window like a stinky diaper...?

Needless to say they most likely have the mother in custody and the baby is most likely going to survive. Lucky for him he's going to grow up later down the line and find out that his mother tossed him out the window like a sack of potatoes. Yup, I'm pro-choice alright, I believe in your choice NOT TO have sex and your choice to remain ABSTINENT. Seems to me that there's a whole lot less tossing of babies out the window that way... But heaven forbid we control our urges or even take responsibility for our actions. Why would we do that? We have all of these creative and scientific ways to keep consequences from happening...

Yeah, as you can tell I'm not very happy with the whole situation... I think it's just lucky that someone was right behind watching all of it. She managed to get the baby to the hospital and they're working on getting it back to health...


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