Tuesday, February 01, 2005

And thus be thine gauntlet thrown.

That's right, a gauntlet has been thrown and a hard throw indeed. I am fighting a disparaging view of the week ahead.

For some of you, you would scoff, but for me it will test every ounce of my person. I'm barely going to be able to sleep, let alone see "my" bed. Work decided to be generous and improve upon my hours. What a wonderful thing it will be to close EVERY NIGHT this week. For those of you that don't know, that means that I go to work as early as 5:30PM and leave as early as 11:00PM, if I'm lucky. I'm already going to have to skip out on Friday, I can't both work until Midnight and come home this weekend at the same time. But that doesn't make it any less daunting considering that, at best (meaning were I to fall asleep as soon as my shift ended, sleep soundly through the night, and wake precisely at six every morning) I will get 7 hours of sleep. Note that would be falling asleep right after I clocked out, so it's not counting the 30 minute drive home, and the potential homework/laundry that I'll be doing when I get home.

What a wonderful thing. This is what I'm built for. You might hear some complaining this next week, but I'm not really going to be sympathetic, likely...

But that's ok, I can take it, and I'm glad my pay is going up. They've pretty much given me full time hours, except that I won't be working on Friday now...

But it'll be interesting, much the same as always. Up before the sun has risen, down long after it has rest its wearied head...

On other news, I'll be procuring a copy of this 3-D modeling software that I'm using for my class. I've long wanted something to toy around with like this, and the person that I need to go through even suggested some geniousness. She brought it up that most students just burn a copy of it and give it back. It's a $5 deposit to check it out, and you don't even really need to bring it back, they just keep your $5 dollars. But the cost of a CD is so much cheaper, so I'll have that done next week when I have my desktop here. To quote one of my friends and a wonderful song "Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate's life for me!" Eventually I'll get used to thinking like a pirate... Not likely...

Speaking of which, a bit, I came up with something... I know, that's resounding, but bear with me: We've all heard about a Wolf in Sheep's clothing, of course you have. Yes, even you in the back shaking your head. Anyways, what about a Sheep in Wolves' clothing? Think about it. What better defense for modern society? It's not necessarily pretending to be what you aren't, at least not what I'm talking about, it's about being in the wrong skin. Something I've always debated with myself. What if I were born a sheep, but meant to be a wolf? (And note that we're talking about sheep as in docile creatures, not as in mindless followers; and wolves are carnivores, duh. I can't think of much beyond that right now...) Just for example, anyways. I sometimes feel that people react to me a lot differently then I would imagine that they would based off of what I look like. Sort of like the killer bunny from Monty Python, but reversed. Or something... I'm tired, and you can tell I'm in an interesting mood...

Anyways... Maybe I'll remember the rest of that later, but I'm going to have to be awake, but unconscious for the next four hours or so until my class starts. And don't dare scoff and say that I should read something, I do that until I'm afraid I'll go blind. And because I'm already blind, that's saying something. Some of you would even be proud of what I'm reading, others might shake their heads and run in fear. But I'm finding it very rewarding and full of new lessons in differences between what is taught, and what actually is...

Right. Rambling. Au Revoir.


Blogger vermilion said...

Appearance usually determines first impressions, though it shouldn't be that way. I've spent who knows how long trying to fight that, but yet I can never defeat the human nature in others that do not the fault.

2/03/2005 12:05:00 PM

Blogger A_Shadow said...

Indeed it can say something about you, but often several answers can be percieved, and often all but one are wrong. I could get into a lengthy discussion on it, if you'd like, really it makes sense.

The thing that I find is intriguing is that often someone's name seems to hold a great deal about them... I wonder if there are any studies about that. I'd like to see them if there are.

2/04/2005 01:08:00 PM

Blogger vermilion said...

I dare to try and generalize all the Whitneys and find a common personality. Even your own name or forgottne pain's, lol. Those are also names that are everywhere.

Please do, if you shoot off the subject, I can to.

2/08/2005 07:20:00 AM

Blogger vermilion said...

lol. Au revoir, if you get there first, save me a seat down there.

2/08/2005 07:22:00 AM


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