Monday, January 31, 2005

I'd rather have my blood sucked out by leaches...

It's a wonderful day. I know, the headline doesn't make it sound like it, but it's really a line from one of my more favorite Wierd Al songs. And last night like an ocean tide it came back to me with a flood of memories. Such an ironic thing when placed into context. In three celebrations of the New Year, so much has changed... And so many memories. But you should hear this song, and you too can laugh at it as much as I.

But today isn't great solely based on the fact that I remember so many good things. But today is graced with scenery that hasn't been glimpsed for nigh on three weeks. The inversion has moved higher, to an elevation of 3,000 ft., and with it the fog has lifted from most of the valley. I saw the moon and the mountains for the first time in three weeks. The sky... I can't describe the feeling. I love the fog, don't get me wrong, but the beauty of the moon and the purple mountains (look at all that majesty) is overwhelming when you've been denied it so long...

And so I hope to maintain my chipper mood. Though I'm also sporting a hyper-extended elbo and the usual, school sponsored, fatigue...

I shall be returning this weekend if I have my way of it. I have a meeting to sit in on, though I'm thinking that it would be best to pretend that I'm not even there... And I have a family to visit... Perhaps we will even celibrate football, as usual, but not really for football's sake, but for an excuse to bring friends together...



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