Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Bwa ha ha!

I have a temporary version of Microsoft Office again! It's just the trial, I just activated it (which I thought had been done), but it's still only temporary. I don't exactly feel like buying a one-hundred and some odd software pack for just myself... But if any two of you want to go in on one with me... Hint, hint, hint. You can apparently legally register it to three computers... But I don't know anyone with a copy, so I'm looking for a copy of Office, if you just feel charitable for some reason.

But it's nice to know that I'll have it through the end of school this semester. That makes things a bit more easy. Now I just have to go to school to print, but I have a feeling that someone is still trying to rectify that. But it's cool, no rush. I'm just that much closer to complete autonomy with the addition of MS Office. It's just going to suck if I haven't bought a permanent copy when the expiration date rolls around...


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