Thursday, February 17, 2005

Mr. Personality: It IS a small world, after all.

I know. I'm evil for making that song appear into your mind, nay, your very soul. You will have it stuck in there for the next while now, but it couldn't be any more true today.

So I'll try to explain it as short and to the point as possible, but I'm tying in two events that are two years apart:

Two years ago when I was in debate, I was in my second tournament with one of my friends at the time and we were doing congress. Ah, congress, a group of bloodsucking politicians and popularity freaks that think they know how best to run the country, er, that's about the round... I don't think it's like that as much anymore... Anyways, to cut to the chase, we switched the chairman for the second round, or something of the like, and my friend was removed from the chambers as a nuisance, or something like that, and obstruction, that was it. Now that leaves our "team" underhanded because the point is to use the senators, etc, from your school as home team to curry support and favor. Well during the break before all of this happens, a young lady in the team came and told us all about it so we knew it was coming, and became an ally later when we had him reinstated by force. Or at least you would have thought so if you saw the crockidile tears...

Fast forward to the present...

I'm in Chemistry, the lecture portion, and this gal and I start chatting it up (different gal). We start talking at random about she needs a turtle or something like that and then we leave talking. While we're out on the walk getting ready to go our seperate ways, her roomate shows up. Turns out that the roommate is this same girl that I met at the tournament two years ago. And not only that, she's in at least half of my classes and now she, I, and one other guy are doing a project together in Design. The whole re-acquaintance with the past and the project thing just happened this morning, because she remembered me and my friend from the tournament. It's completely freaking amazing, actually. I'm now a firm believer in slim chances. I mean, honestly, the odds of all of that happening are astronomical (quote Han Solo here), and for it to be anything else she'd have to do some serious stalking, since I think I can count on one hand how many people know my whole schedule through and through (as in could have told someone to sign up with the same ones). It's just mind boggling to think about, actually, especially since she just switched her major this semester... I mean, really, it'd be quite creepy and eerie if it weren't chance... I would almost say that it's fate, but that would make it creepy in a way...

Anyways... It's odd...

As for the Mr. Personality part, that's my description from two of the customers at Carl's. But not just any two, they're my PR people that are spreading my name around town. They blame me completely and solely for coming to the store anymore, and joked about it if they had to file a lawsuit, they'd blame me for making them fat... Anyways, they're pretty cool. It's spreading I think... Kinda odd and cool...

But I have to e-mail my team. We're "building" a super yacht with our software. Something like it's going to run off of fusion and be submersible (this other guy actually found a website that gave him the idea for the submersible yacht). I get to design the power plant and drive portions of the "Yub", yeah, I think that's what I'll call it... I'm excited and have a couple of proposals already lined up.

Also... Probably the last thing then I'll let you stop being lost and confused... I went to a Chimera meeting yesterday (the school's rocket team) and met some people. It was a meeting to design a recovery trailer to go pick up (pieces of) the rocket. Actually, it hopefully won't be in more pieces than two... Anyways, it's kinda neat because it's a combination professional and teen project. A whole bunch of punks that have some experience building rockets. It's kinda neat... Anyways... Sounds like NASA, actually....



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