Thursday, March 03, 2005

They're no match for this fully operational battle station!

"It's a trap!"


My private sanctuary is nearly complete. You should see the marvels that have transformed it from a littered dump into the pride and joy of this modern world. I now have a desk! You have no idea how happy that makes me. Seriously, this has to be one of the greatest, if not the greatest, present I have ever gotten. It follows a simple algorithm that you take the necessity, the want, the functionality, the coolness, the prestige, and the cost if you were to buy it yourself and you get the total fabulousness of the gift. I needed it so badly to, and it's incredibly functional, and the potential cost... It just puts this well above anything that I can remember right now. And my back rejoices with the natural sitting posture that I can maintain! Whoo Hoo!

But also my room is actually a room. I know, I'm not usually excited about cleaning a room, but I can see the floor. I know where practically everything is, and now I can basically put anything anywhere, that I'll need to. It's so convenient and nice and... Wow.

It's been a really good week for me, needless to say. The prospect of tutoring someone again, the acquiring of this cool desk by simple date on the calendar, and the fact that I'm finally starting to heal a little bit easier - mentally and physically...

I am so stoked.

And really excited for this weekend. Of course the prospect of working for 9 hours on the slowest day at the restaraunt isn't really heartening, but I think I'll manage just fine with a deck of cards in hand... I kinda feel bad about it, but there's really nothing to do for most of the day. Even the cooks find time to come out.

Oh, yeah, and I got laundry done. I so needed that, but it's just getting good today. But I'm about to go to work, so hopefully I keep up this pace. I mean right now the only thing I'm remotely worried about is my team for the class not having anything to do with each other unless it's the class. We meet Tuesdays and Thursdays and we have to turn something in as a group on Tuesday... Not very promissing with all of us being tied up until Monday at best...

Anyways, I hope you guys are having wonderful days to, and if you aren't, maybe I'll assault you with something that could only bring a smile to your face. If you're half as bad as I've been, you'll need it as much as I do.


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