Tuesday, March 15, 2005

"I have returned..."

Yes, it is I, back from the liberal and warm south of one of the great states of the union. All safe and unharmed.

It wasn't quite as was expected, but like most things it was greater in some areas and worse in others. But now it makes my spring break worth it. I didn't have to stay at home in the great white north of Utah. I had fun in the sun with people more famous than me. I met and made new friends and had a blast. It definately makes this week worth it. I was looking at half of our cashiers escaping for the week to the south, yep as far out there as St. George... Wow, sheesh how lucky... I escaped for a mere two days and that is far more than they could hope to imagine. Such a contrast. And such luck.

But we were there and simultaneously dissappointed and yet ecstatic. We didn't expect the convention to be so small, but we made enough memories and friends to make it worth it. And indeed it was. Not every day you get to chat it up with a model/actress from Terminator 3 or one of the Orion Slave girls. But at least I saved myself the embarrassment of hitting on Gene Roddenberry's son's girlfriend. That would have been funny, ironic...

But it was good. We went to our party, but none of the huge names were there. So we settled for the big names, and the friends. Don't worry, that's not dissappointment there. It was still awesome (inside joke, I suppose). We met up with the head of Save Enterprise and the cast and crew of the Star Trek New Voyages group. And of course Rod Roddenberry was there, which was always a plus.

But above that I was able to meet the Switchblade Kittens, most of them, and we chatted it up. We actually stayed at there place in L.A. and that was a blast. The whole thing was uber great. Ray and I were inducted and given names. I am Pokey Kitten and he is Thesaurus Kitten. Say the last one really slowly and you'll know how awful we were this weekend. But it was way too many memories. I'm trying to pin them down before they escape and run away. It was definately worth it and awesome.

But on a more bummer note, I went into Layton's Carl's Jr. today to catch up a little bit. Most have moved or transfered, no surprise there. But my favorite person there lost her baby. I'm not sure of the full story, but I suppose there were complications. I'm sure it's been heartbreaking and all, she was very excited. I can't wait to talk to her now, but don't know when that will be. I'm ok, I just hope she is, too...

Anyways, I now return you to your loathing of my post. I don't mean to brag, but afterall... This blog is supposed to be about my life. Just thought you'd want to share some of the memories, for some wierd reason.


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