Sunday, April 24, 2005

Here we go again.

So today I went through an insane and in depth level of meticulousness to stick it to two people at work, AGAIN. It wasn't the same person as before, but these two have been assholes lately too. So we decided to take their advice to heart and do as much as possible. The last thing they complained about: "We DO NOT have time to do your job for you. Why can't you stock, it takes like two minutes." I love that one, it slays me. We hardly neglect our tasks, after all it is our sole responsibility at night to make sure that we are slaves to day crew's will and to make sure that everything is ship-shape. They never help with anything, even the things that they are supposed to do. But the fact that they don't have TWO MINUTES to do something that anyone can do, but they can write a nasty note about it. Perfect.

Anyways, so we spent about half an hour over stocking as much as we thought reasonable. Putting way too much into the areas that they are designated and then I took it further. I unstocked things that they'll need for breakfast (something we never have to stock and go no where near, usually) and moved the regular coffee on them. So they have one packet of strait up coffee and a box full of decafe, and they're likely not going to find it. But I hope they spend a while looking, it's not all that difficult. Same with the pens. I hid all of them, save one because Richard told me he left it out. ALL OF THEM, even the pens that we mark our bills to make sure they aren't counterfeit. Again, not difficult to find with some effort. And we put cup holders so high that I had to get a step ladder to finish. I took pictures so that we could show the acting general manager. We expect to catch hell for it and want to be represented fairly. I expect the manager to get a phone call rather early about it, but I doubt she'll do anything to us as these two piss off everyone.

I don't usually do this, don't take it on myself to make the errors of their ways so public and so open, but they have insisted for months to claim a superior attitude and quite litterally bitch (there is no substitute word, sorry) about our jobs which we bust our asses for, while simultaneously pissing all over us (figuratively) by never doing the selfsame things that they are complaining about!! I have to come in every day and clean up their messes from lunch, and the cooks always have to do both their dishes and ours and then day crew has the gaul to COMPLAIN? You can see that it's clearly frustrating and reasonably so.

I'll update you tomorrow. I have to work closing through Monday, but am off until next saturday and sunday (closing again) which those will be my last two days.


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