Thursday, September 29, 2005



*flips microsoft the bird*

"Oh, there isn't an emoticon that properly displays my anger"

I just spent the last 30 freakin' minutes writing a post that got FUCKED by Microsoft and the fucktard that wrote that damn program!

Removing spyware? Why does that require me to FUCKING CLOSE MY BROWSER? DID YOU ASK? NO, YOU JUST FUCKING DID IT.

So now all you will get is this pissed off post because I have to RECAPTURE the feelings of the last 30 minutes (plus dial up load time) because of this fucking system.

Did I mention FUCK, yet?

I hate this shit. Have to use my dad's computer to update because the internet is out, I'M ON DIAL UP AFTER NOT HAVING IT FOR A WEEK AND IT DOES ME THE FAVOR OF ERASING MY FREAKING POST!!!!!!

I'm serious. I don't think I can properly put my rage into words. I WILL PERSONALLY STRANGLE THE MAN WHO CODED THAT!!!


Stupid freakin'....

Why? Why the hell does that make sense? Dumb Fuck.


Blogger vermilion said...

Lol. You sound like me earlier today busting heartvalves while trying to lift large awkward objects above my head.

10/02/2005 12:55:00 AM


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