Friday, September 16, 2005


No, it's not the strongest bone in the body. Sheesh.

I didn't really want to start on this so early, the whole posting and being on the computer part, it's my day off, afterall. But I was watching one of the CNN channels and they went through talking about what FEMA's responsibilities were, are, and what they had done to support those.

I still support them, in fact, that little segment helped to boost my support for them. I think I need to reitterate that NO ONE figured on the impact of the storm and NO ONE saw that levy breaking in New Orleans. How do you prepare for that? I suppose I should just sit and wait for the "big one" to hit the west coast and then bitch at FEMA because they weren't able to keep California from sinking? What's the logic in that? FEMA responds to emergencies that have occured, they don't stop them from happening and they aren't profits. The media has a misguided outlook that our government officials (at any level) NEED to be perfect and if they're not, they're not right for the job and be ousted. Wierd. Pot calling the kettle black, anyone?

FEMA did plenty of pre-emptive preperations. They airdropped food VERY QUICKLY. But somehow that's not enough, maybe it's the fact that the media had told them that there were going to be 9,000 more dead (in New Orleans alone). Not likely, but still, how do you prepare for something like that? What's the last major catastrophe (natural catastrophe) that hit? Wasn't that hurricane Andrew in the mid-90s?

It just irritates me that the media throws around the weight that our poor brothers and sisters give them. They can turn the tide of public opinion with simple lies and miscalculations, underestimations, and most of us fall hook, line, and sinker for it. I don't get this.

So, now, what would YOU have done differently? Oh, come on, you have as much experience as the guy who was running the show (just ask the media). So it should be easy. Especially for those of you that are actively criticising FEMA and know that it could have done better. So What Would You Do?


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