Friday, September 16, 2005

More links.

For those of you that don't go back to see how many freakin' entries I post, not only don't I blame you, but I will tell you. This is the third one today, already, but Fark had some big news to share:

Lego rocks your freakin' socks.

How does an Oracle of old tell time? Without a calendar?

As a matter of fact, my computer DID catch fire.

Dinosaurs never much found in Scotland, until now.

Meet my friend, Static Shock.

One of these days! Bam, straight to the Moon!

Meh, didn't read this, but the seat of our nation's leader was just sold. In theory.


Blogger A_Shadow said...

I never said you had to open and read them all, word for word. But how do you expect to grow if you're never pushed?

I hardly read them word for word, much of the time, but it shouldn't have taken you ALL that much time. Whiner.

9/16/2005 09:02:00 PM

Blogger A_Shadow said...

"Oh, oh! I would!" *raises hands and dances about to get your attention*

I'm reminded of a concept that maybe you're familiar with... Free agency... Ever heard of it? :-p

I'm just teasing you too, I appreciate you taking the time out of your busy reading/daydreaming schedule to read about the precidents of society. Like the fact that a company has all but relinquished their rights to software that was stolen, and thought it was a good thing.

It's wishful thinking, but I'd really like to see people follow that example. *shrug*

If it makes you feel any better, I won't be posting nearly as much today (God willing, heh).

9/17/2005 09:11:00 AM


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