Wednesday, October 12, 2005

"Huh, war, good god ya'll"

"What it isn't good for?"

Absolutely nothing.

So here we are, on the verge of war. I guess this is one of my least favorite battles. War was declared on me. I fell back.

Damn near surrendered.

But I don't give up.

You can't beat me by attrition, you fool.

You will have to beat me into the ground. It's the only way to win. The only way.

So here we go again. Intelligence gathering on an unknown enemy.

The intel: Everyone is afraid of you. Why should I be?

I'm coming. I know, you've heard the talk, the idle threats, for a year now. But I'm done. Don't really know why... All I know is that I'm tired of this, tired of a senseless war that I didn't even get to start. Taking innocent victims.

My friends, my holidays, birthdays and my life.

Time to take it back or lose it. Either way it's not really there, right?

What's the harm...?

It could be gone forever, but at this point it's never been there. Nothing to lose really.


I'm sorry, some of you have been waiting for that short story, I'm working on it, sorta. Like all stories it only exists in my head, waiting to escape. I'll get to it, don't worry, I just need to find a good resolution. And a title. That would work.

Speaking of work, boy do I kick butt or what?

Don't answer that.

But seriously, today I got pulled off duty by some uber VIP types from Cap1 who wanted to recognize me for being as awesome as they think I am.

I seriously don't know who ratted me out, but he's totally got a friend in me now.

But it's really wierd. There were a goodly number of us, four of us were within 20 ft of me too. All on the same team.

Sure it's only a shirt, but it's prestige. Three gurus from Cap1, the manager from our WHOLE service center, my sup, my TL, and several others were all there. So neat.

The only part that's a little bit of a bummer is that one of my team mates decided that she didn't like being left out.

And I really understand, honestly. She works hard, we appreciate her, and to be honest I feel that there are plenty of other people that deserve that more than I do, except that I was recognized for things that only I have been doing. Sure, others have done some things like this here and there, but apparently I've been going to town on it.

But there are a lot of hard workers that should have gotten SOMETHING out of it as well...

And then to boot they put me with a trainee. Which isn't a gripe, but that always makes me nervous. At least with being such a new agent myself.

See, at Carl's Jr. they did the same thing as well. I'd kick ass at my job and I'd be the one training the newbs. I don't mind that, I love that. I took it very seriously. But I don't think that I'm doing the best there is to do on the queue. But I guess that doesn't matter to my bosses if they keep sending me trainees.

I just wish I felt better about it, it'd be easier.

And then the poor guy was there when the worst calls I have ever had or heard of hit my phone (he had to take them, but I was there to "help"). It was nuts. We got some guy that was trying to contact our corporate - ON THE PASSWORD RESET LINE, and then we got some really nasty, but fairly simple ones.

I just think it could have gone better, not to mention the fact that (even though I was there) I felt that we were throwing him in too fast.

But there's only a tiny ammount of sympathy at this point. He's had about 3 times as much training as I've had, lol. Still as lost, so apparently the training isn't all that better when you get more of it...

Really good today.

Still a little bit of doubt about things (not pertaining about work), but I have a new shirt *shrug* that makes everything better.

Coolest shirt I've ever gotten, too.

Not just a little T-shirt. It's a really nice polo. *drools*

Ok, I'm done. But I think I should be a little more confident in what I'm doing anyways, especially inwardly (can't seem too much more confident to my team mates, I'm already trying to help them when I'm near them and my TL is busy.)

I'm done... I think...

Got to get back to my private war. I'm looking North. Do you see the clouds?


Blogger vermilion said...

A word of advice a militant mindset would not improve anything. It arouses too much suspicion and hatred.

Don't call war so quickly. Lives are blinked away in war. Yet we're all going to continue living. If a solider dies in real combat he doesn't have to live with the results. If a solider finds his defeat else where he must be able to live with it.

Embrace your higher reasons. Those were the ones that convinced me. Though I'm convinced the other way around at the same time.

10/13/2005 12:21:00 AM

Blogger A_Shadow said...

So if I've convinced you all across the board then the only thing is the loss of life that is inevitable in war?

You must know that I'm not really looking at it from a war standpoint in the sense that I am declaring war on the people involved, but on the ideas and beliefs held therein.

I understand and note your concerns, but in this context I am namely trying to keep my resolve... By any means necessary.

10/13/2005 06:43:00 PM

Blogger vermilion said...


But careful, like they say on the pirates of the carribean (it's on the short movies seen by me list heh) it's possible to make a right choice for the wrong reasons.

Keep the resolve for the means probable. And I trust you'll use that fuel for good.

10/14/2005 12:05:00 AM

Blogger A_Shadow said...

Or for awesome.

10/14/2005 09:37:00 AM


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