Monday, October 10, 2005

Just a little bit.

Just a little bit... Grumpy.

Don't mind me.

Today was an okie day. Just a little bit more access. Just a little bit more to learn so that I can pester my TL just that much less so that I can do just that much more.

Just a little bit.

Tried installing a new game yesterday that was given to me. I definately appreciated the gesture (one of the only times someone has ever followed through on that), but the dern thing wouldn't load. That was frustrating. It would get almost nearly done and then fail. Which is the worst as you might imagine.

I've got a little bit of decoration at my desk.

Just a little bit.

It's the r0x0r. I have a neat little skull, I might have mentioned it alread, but who cares?

Not much to do these days. After this I probably get to dispose of one of my bragging rights. They're complaning at me for not paying my cell phone bill, so I should probably fix that. *shrug*

I've been really, really, close to almost nearly sorta-wanting to kinda write a short story. I've got the creative juices pumping just a little bit and I think I might have to use some of it (Kevin! Mind out of the gutter!)

Just a little bit.

Sorry if this is a bit broken, watching AVP at the same time as this. Wierd... That brings back an undue memory, perhaps. Undue for the wrong reasons I suppose...

Just a little bit.

I'm going to make an effort to read some of your guys' blogs today, but just a little bit. There are only two of you on that list (sorry, I am playing favorites, I'm on the computer all day, and I see some of you all day, so they sorta get priority, but just a little bit).

And if you haven't figured it out, my mind has been stuck on a song... Just a little bit.

I think I've got that out of my system now. I just had to write: just a little bit.

I'll likely post whatever ends up being my short story once I'm done.


Blogger vermilion said...

(I broke my quarantine. I'm really bad...)

Only a bit broken, yes, only a bit.

I'll keep an eye out for webs for your desk, we might be out. As for personalizing your desk, you've seen my bullitn board on my wall haven't you? Even putting up little clippings of your favorite things can brighten up an area.

I still HATE cages-- erm excuse me-- cubicles.

Do post it, I would like to see some of your writing. I've never read any of yours. Maybe something in french once but that doesn't count cause you translated it online.

You evasive person you. GRr. It's like you're playing an online game of tag, like your version from the other day.

Okay self, people are complex. No multiple choice. Life's an endless and unordered essay.

What memory? I'm wondering about these other things you were eluding to.

It's funny being on the sidelines... You know but you don't.

10/12/2005 10:24:00 AM

Blogger A_Shadow said...

Everyone always thinks that things have to be so complex, but they don't.

I'm a straight forward kind of guy. You ask, I tell. But too often you don't ask.

And we all know what I'm alluding to. No one will own up to it though because no one will ask, thus it is complex.

And Forgotten: I know you've seen it :-p

10/12/2005 05:15:00 PM

Blogger vermilion said...

He's mumbling. lol.

Is this where we ask him to explain all?

10/13/2005 12:25:00 AM

Blogger A_Shadow said...

The "Explain All" button should be marked with either the color red, or the color black and stamped with a skull.


And I never mumble. The only person that ever needs to hear me, always does. If you can't hear me, put on your glasses and listen closely grandma.

10/13/2005 06:45:00 PM


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