Monday, October 03, 2005

Once more, but with a flourish.

Well, sorry about that lovely outburst, but if you’ve never experienced it, I don’t suggest it really.

While it might be soothing in relieving tension (and we all know how much you could use that), I don’t think the soul sucking part of losing the bulk of your thoughts for a day is advisable.

But maybe that’s just me.

I’ve learned though, learned to hate the machine that I speak to you now from. Hate the machine of Microsoft, and yet use it for it’s purpose…

It’s been a while since a meaningful post has been made. But not for lack of trying. I don’t understand what the world is trying to stop me from saying, but it has done so for quite long enough. Now I write you with an unbreakable determination. I have multiple safeguards in place, only the failing fate of this machine could stop it (knock on wood).

Mountain Con I was good. You all should have been there (I know, Keni, I know. You were there. And Carl, I know. And those of you that I forgot but really know about? I know.) But the rest of you!? You have no excuses.

Well except for the two of you that I excused.

But that’s it!

You should have been there. And if I haven’t gotten your excuse yet? Who’s fault would that be? Yours. Even if it’s my fault, it’s your fault until I say so. Muwahahaha.

If I seem a bit combative that’s because I just saved the Earth from an immense, unstoppable (naturally) killing force. And I felled it as the arrow of Apollo. One fighter (with about 15 of his buddies) felled the dark lord of space and doomed him to his own devices. We ambushed him in subspace and annihilated him.

Friend and Foe defeating bigger Foe. Foe sho’.

So I write this with much less to say than usual. I felt at least that an explanation must be given. It’s been about a week (more, I think) since any legitimate posting has been made and I’m finding it easy to slip away into this routine (which scares me).

I haven’t much decided that I like this new direction or not. Don’t worry, that head slapping will not have been in vain. I just have a difficult time adapting to not having any time except on the weekends. And then having nothing to do on the weekends when they get here. I never find the escape that I need. Real life and work are always just around the corner. Many aspects are nice, but when I get a job that pays twice as much for half as many hours, I will be in heaven. I’m starting to think that a 4-10 shift would be a thing of beauty. But I need independent transportation.

Right now it would cost less to develop fusion from scratch AND teleportation then it would to pay for a single tank of gas. Not to mention insurance and actually getting the car registered.

But it’s waaay too damn expensive to pay for all of that AND a car. I don’t see how you manage. Sheeze, I’m thinking about getting married not to enhance my debt, but to get a second income, lol.

Practically that bad.

Other then that, I’m fine, what about you? I have, very unfortunately, neglected many of you in my internet fasting. It shall not be forever, I have much to make up for. Then there’s the select few of you that will “call back” and never do. Alas, you aren’t reading this so why should I continue about it?

I am done, you are done, why are you still here?

Nope, I’m not going to swear damn it.

Ah, shit.

(All together = "First you say it, then you do it!")


Blogger vermilion said...

I swear alot when I'm late. Or killing hobo spiders.

People are funny when they swear. I think that's why I swear, I enjoy it and it puts me in a better mood cause I think it's funny half the time.

Movies? I live under a rock.

As for your posting recesses, 'salright. I don't know how you guys even put up with my timeframe, you guys respond so quickly which tells me you must check mine a lot.

Candy is the way to go really. After my last meeting at work, I needed skittles. I'm sure everyone else wanted to pop a beer.

I'm actually trying to get mornings now so I can actually have more day than night for myself. Lets see I go from 13 hours to 39.

Yep. The astroturf is always greener.

10/04/2005 01:18:00 AM

Blogger A_Shadow said...

Should I bother bringing up the fact that your mom hates me? That might just get me all hot and flustered again :-p.

And something tells me that she doesn't much know who's blog this is, or even that you come to it, with the frequency of your posting...

Or am I jumping to an improper conclusion?

10/08/2005 01:18:00 AM

Blogger A_Shadow said...

Oh, NOW it's impossible?

And how exactly did you manage that? Put up a password?

10/10/2005 04:33:00 PM


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