Sunday, March 12, 2006

I see now.

Why couldn't I before?

Everyone deserves it: to be loved.

That has always been there.

Even you.

But you can't love me, you never could.

You can't give me what I want, need, or deserve.

That's ok.

But how many hearts will you take with you on the way?

I find doubt that you can have that love for anyone.

But you still deserve it yourself.

Nothing should rob you of that.

It's a hard and frustrating concept, to have your enemies be loved as much as your brothers.

Especially when they draw them on the opposite line of not only you, but of all of your friends and the light.

I pray for your own eyes to be opened, before you consume another soul and with it their redemption.

You see, yet you are so blind.

What does it matter that you can see them, if you can't, won't, care for them?

Merely flies in your web now.

Life sucked from all of them.

Unfortunately lost forever. No one has ever come back from that death.

"Well... There was this one dude, a long time ago..."

I see it now.

I can't give you what you deserve.

I never could.

I was never empowered with that.

I wish I could have, I wanted it with everything in my person.

I gave it all.

Not an easy task.

Not one easily recovered from.

There was another once, but I find that impossible now.

They are stuck in your web, all of them trapped.

I don't think you fully realize what you do.

Perhaps I pray it for your own sake.

Release us now.

Come back to us on our own terms.

No more lies.

No more treachery.

No more broken spectres of the past to haunt us.

Come back when you have found a path that suits you.

One that doesn't feed off of the souls that would love you.



There's a reason why I don't write anything of length anymore.

It gets poluted easily. Never quite conveying what it needs to, always converying too much.

Jumbled, I tell you.

Never concise and to the point.


Enough. I'm in bed. Don't tell anyone to the contrary.

Oh, and if 801-381-1221 means anything to you, speak now, or I might find out on my own. That could be less pleasant.


Blogger A_Shadow said...

I feel that I must respond, but unfortunately nothing seems appropriate to add.

I take it as a sign from God that I should "Shut up and take it as it is."

I think he speaks to us as bluntly. I sure hope so, lest I be lost forever.

3/13/2006 11:05:00 PM


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