Sunday, June 11, 2006

'Bout that time again, eh chaps?

I figure I better post while I'm not completely lost in frustration.

Yesterday was about as good a day as I had hoped and imagined.

Friday was good, but almost cascaded something evil into my good day.

The car died Friday night, the night before the big tourney, before we needed it for something that I have been hoping and planning for the last two months.

Miraculously, it was revived late that night.

Saturday morning went to plan.

We got up, relatively on time. Left close to when I planned to and made it there without issues.

The tournament, however, was having its own issues.

We got there and they were only allowing 12 people to play, I think we were something like #7 and #8.

It turns out that their shipment of figures didn't come in, but the intended prizes had.

So we ended up playing with the prizes we shoul have been winning, after waiting something like 40 minutes past when the judge should have started the tourney. The big kicker was, because of the limited number of players, and how late he arrived, his family would not have been able to play. So at that point, he took off.

Lucky for him he left someone in his stead, but it still might make things difficult in terms of getting a hold of a judge to get in touch with Wizards.

BUT! We started the tourney, and we got our two booster packs with which to create our armies.

I managed to drop the most feared and covetted fig in the tournement: Darth Maul, Champion of the Sith. Why so covetted and feared? Quadruple attack and 150HP. I mean, wowsa. Triple attack is huge, normally you only get one attack, but there are only two figures in all of the 4 sets now that have Quadruple attack.

I didn't end up winning, though. I had a good team, my second most powerful unit was Jacen Solo, he had something I kept calling a force bomb, essentially, he has one force power, that he can't use until someone with a force rating is defeated (Maul, in my case). Once that is done, he can use all of his force points to unleash it and bam, everyone within 6 squares takes 60 points of damage, save for half.

I only got to use that once, but that's the only time I needed to, as well.

The thing that kept me from winning, the thing that put me down at 4th place was that I was paired with my Dad for my first match. He ended up winning, because I ran Jacen in before Maul and then let Maul go three on one with two Jedi and a Gundark. That was hurty...

But he ended up taking 6th. So had I beaten him, I likely could have taken the tourney from them. The guy who won undefeated, wouldn't play against my force afterwords. He was afraid of Maul.

After that, I got to play HL2: EP1, but only for a couple of hours before Whitney came over to watch Episodes One and Two for Star Wars. It was good, but now HL2: EP1 won't cooperate. It's rather bothersome, hence my irritation.

I've only waited 6 months for this game.


Good stuff. I just need to get my game working.


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