Monday, February 07, 2005

Here I am, stuck in the winter with you...

Yup, I'm still in Layton...

Yup, it's Monday at 2:46PM...

Yup, it's because this stupid area decided to have a freak snow storm, that also reached all the way to the canyons so that making the journey "home" would be too dangerous to feel warranted...

Yup, I'm going to miss two days of work for this excursion...

Anyways... It's been nice to be home, but it's also different. There's a lot of drama now, not between me and my family. But events with friends are taking a mirrored and interesting course. I'm too annalytically minded not to draw parallels, but there's enough to get a sketch of the situation. I just realize that there's a ton of difference. And now I'm on the side that I couldn't understand: I'm the bystander. How does one react in that situation? A difficult question to answer, even as you're answering it.

The most difficult problem is that I have friends on both side. Long term friends. And to avoid negatively impacting everything by needlessly getting involved isn't something I'm all up for. I think for now, if I'm able to get involved at all, I'm going to work on shielding the innocent as much as possible. Those that decide they butt in where they aren't needed will void that protection, but I will only enter the fray if I feel a duty to defend someone. I can't enter it otherwise, at least not openly...

Anyways, even with all of that ambiguity I shouldn't really be talking about it. But I'm only really detailing my involvements. I would love to chalk it up to a learning experience, but there's too much involved. It's like trying to learn the stock market by using millions of dollars in stock. A dangerous move indeed...

I should be back "home" tomorrow. Back in Logan, anyways. Hopefully I'll manage to talk to my potential landlord and make him my actual landlord. Cross your fingers and pray for that one...

Some of you are still on my list. I'll make arrangements to appropriate repparations to that as soon as possible. Unfortunately some of you are difficult to acquire. But no worries. What is meant to happen, will happen. And I'm pretty sure this is meant to happen at some point.

Y'know? You're not supposed to listen to the ramblings of a mad man. I guess that's why I write so much of it down... :-p


Blogger vermilion said...

Next time you come down, I challenge you to a daito duel.

2/08/2005 12:43:00 PM

Blogger A_Shadow said...

That puts me into an interesting situation... I guess I'll have to lay my chivalry aside for that one. But then I don't want to get hurt too badly, either... Lol.

Alright, you're on, but if one of us ends up with broken fingers or something... It'll hurt, needless to say.

2/09/2005 09:11:00 AM

Blogger vermilion said...

2:43? insomniac.

2/09/2005 10:52:00 AM

Blogger A_Shadow said...

I don't know how this thing derives time... I know it doesn't seem to be consistent and I'm too lazy to change it every time. But I posted just a little before you. Until about tonight or tomorrow I'll have to post at school, which means early, but not 2:34.

2/09/2005 12:05:00 PM


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