Monday, February 28, 2005

So close and then gone like the wind...

You almost had me world, I can't believe I almost fell for it.

Here I am, reading the news, and I'm reading about Lebanon's government resigning without any sort of humanitarian incident. I'm reading about Japan's successful rocket launch that might give them faith enough to establish their own space program complete with astronauts and a moon base (which brings up a comment about their one failed launch in seven with this vehicle, ask me about it.)

And then here we go:,2933,148849,00.html

Straight out of the "How in the flying f*ck dumb can one state be files" we have this out of Florida for a student flicking a rubber band NEAR his teacher. He's been charged with a "Class IV offense" which basically puts him in the same light as a drug dealer because he "attempted assault" with that deadly rubberband. I mean really, folks, I know that I don't even need to tell you how and why that's so stupid, and if I do... E-mail me, please, and I'll be happy to explain it to you. So the child is potentially going to be expelled from his school for it. That's it, he's another marine sharpshooter on the way. Uncle Sam needs bad boy rubber band shooting loonies for the army. Give me a break...

But I guess the redeeming factor of thousands of incedents of stupidiy like that lays in the fact that another country might actually be free to choose what they want, and it didn't take anyone's strong-arm but their own. It's amazing how often that's the case... Lebanon is joining the ranks of countries making their own choices now. It's ironic to me since Marx outlined the "world wide" revolution that would bring Communists into power and throw down the evils of capitalism and democracy. But it seems to be quite the opposite. It seems that Democracy is finally making it into countries that should have always had it. It's making it into places that have fought it in one way or another for hundreds of years. It gives me a little bit of hope to see Iraq's elections succeed, to see Egyptians question their abusive government and Lebanon come out and shout their government right out of the office. Hopefully nothing but good will come from this. You never know, we might actually be able to have a coalition of unified world powers in the near future. That would be an end all, be all way down the line, probably. But it's not a bad goal to have, is it?


Blogger A_Shadow said...

Yeah, don't try and fool me you commie scu... nevermind...

But the point wasn't to say how great any one group, person, or country was. The point is that they're saying "Hell, if Iraq and Afghanistan can do it, anyone can" or "why the hell can't I?"

It's nice to see that ideals of choice are spreading without the sword. I'm not all for democracy being pushed by war, but if you so happen to take out an evil regime, what are you supposed to do? I maintain that Japan and Germany turned out just fine.

2/28/2005 11:12:00 PM

Blogger A_Shadow said...

I guess the point I should have made was:

"Sounds like a sore loser to me." But I guess I made my choice.

3/01/2005 10:54:00 AM

Blogger A_Shadow said...

I think you're just afraid of being wrong. After all, you were raised liberally, weren't you?

I jest, mostly... But I am not quick to apply all of these to Bush. If you were to read Connor's latest post, I have a similar attitude. But I'm hesitant to label any one person as doing this, after all, it was a team effort.

But your comment reminded me of a movie quote:

When Picard asked Data if he was tempted in "First Contact" Data said "Yes for about 8 milliseconds" or some miniscule number like that. It's ok, not all conservatives/Republicans are gas guzzling, humvee driving hicks...

3/02/2005 12:55:00 PM


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